英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:11:38



英 [dɪˈmjʊə(r)]

美 [dɪˈmjʊr]


副词: demurely 比较级: demurer 最高级: demurest 名词: demureness

  • 英英释义

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1. affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way

Synonym: coyovermodest

1. (通常指年轻女子)羞涩的,娴静的
If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean they are quiet and rather shy, usually in a way that you like and find appealing, and behave very correctly.

e.g. She's very demure and sweet...
e.g. The luscious Miss Wharton gave me a demure but knowing smile.

She smiled demurely.

2. (衣着等)端庄的,庄重的
Demure clothes do not reveal your body and they give the impression that you are shy and behave correctly.

e.g. ...a demure high-necked white blouse.

She was demurely dressed in a black woollen suit.

1. demure的近义词

1. 佯作端庄,端庄的:demote 降级 | demure 佯作端庄,端庄的 | denominate 命名


2. 端庄的:demur 迢异议 | demure 端庄的 | demurely 装成端庄地

3. 装成端庄的:demur 提出异议 | demure 装成端庄的 | demure 装得严肃的


4. 装得严肃的:demure 装成端庄的 | demure 装得严肃的 | demuredoucesaddserious-mindedseriousmindedstaid 认真的

  • 经典引文

  • Come, pensive Nun, devout and pure, Sober, steadfast and demure.

  • Theirs was an age when the favoured feminine look was the demure, the obedient, the shy.

    出自:J. Fowles
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There is not an Apple MacBook in sight, and demure "office ladies" still serve the tea.(屋里看不到苹果笔记本电脑,看到的是死气沉沉的白领丽人们依旧在端茶倒水。)
When it comes to flirting you prefer a more demure or reserved approach to one that is overt.(当谈到调情你喜欢一个更端庄或保留的方式之一,这是公然的。)
She had a look of demure joy, recalling the married Frank or Dean (she couldn't tell us who) crooning to her over the M.R.I. machine.(她带着羞涩的喜悦,想起了已婚的弗兰克或者迪安(她不能告诉我们是谁),穿过核磁共振机,深情地唱歌给她听。)
And Ms. Streep's maturity and demure style choices may appeal to women over 40, who spend more on fashion than other demographic groups.(Streep的成熟端庄的风格能够影响到40岁以上年龄段的女性,这些女性也比其他年龄段更能够在时装上花钱。)
She must be a woman of complicated character, and there was something dramatic in the contrast of that with her demure appearance.(看来她一定是一个性格非常复杂的女人,这同她那端庄娴静的外表倒构成了极富于戏剧性的对比。)
The demure maiden, the demure spouse, the demure mother -this is still the ideal.(矜持端庄的女孩子、妻子、母亲——这依然是理想中的女性。)
Cyclodelic's anorak is a blue soft shell, with gold zips; Ana Nichoola's military ruffle is a demure green, with pleats on the rear.(Cyclodelic公司的风衣运用柔软的蓝布面料搭配金色拉链;而AnaNichoola公司的军绿色褶皱风衣则是庄重的绿色,与其背面的一些褶皱相得益彰。)
She gave him a demure smile.(她冲他娴静地笑了笑。)
She's very demure and sweet.(她很是娴静温柔。)
I almost said, "Don't go", but I tried to be demure and said: "Let's meet next week."(我几乎脱口而出:“不要离开”但我却努力保持端庄的形象说道:“我们下周见吧!”)
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