英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:53:01



英 [dɪˈnaɪ]

美 [dɪˈnaɪ]


过去式: denied 过去分词: denied 现在分词: denying 第三人称单数: denies

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  • 不给与,拒绝给予
  • 不接受,拒绝接受
  • 推卸
  • 摒弃
  • 谢绝(宾客)
  • 否认,否定
  • 节制,戒绝,克制
  • 拒绝...的要求
  • 否认...是自己的,不承认,拒绝承认
  • 否认与...有关系,否认同自己有关系
  • 否认知情
  • 拒绝
  • 反驳
  • 拒绝相信
  • 抵制
  • vt. 否认知情 say that one knows nothing about
  • vt. 拒绝 refuse; disown


1. declare untrue

e.g. He denied the allegations
She denied that she had taken money

2. refuse to accept or believe

e.g. He denied his fatal illness

3. refuse to recognize or acknowledge

e.g. Peter denied Jesus

4. deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit

Synonym: traverse

5. refuse to let have

e.g. She denies me every pleasure
he denies her her weekly allowance

Synonym: refuse

6. deny oneself (something)
restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure

e.g. She denied herself wine and spirits

Synonym: abnegate

7. refuse to grant, as of a petition or request

e.g. The dean denied the students' request for more physics courses
the prisoners were denied the right to exercise for more than 2 hours a day

1. 否认
When you deny something, you state that it is not true.


e.g. She denied both accusations...
e.g. The government has denied that there was a plot to assassinate the president...

2. 否认与…有关系;否认…是自己的;不承认;抛弃
If you deny someone or something, you say that they have no connection with you or do not belong to you.

e.g. I denied my father because I wanted to become someone else.

3. 拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求
If you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it.

e.g. If he is unlucky, he may find that his ex-partner denies him access to his children...
e.g. Don't deny yourself pleasure...

Do not confuse deny and refuse. If you deny something, you say that it is not true. The allegation was denied by government spokesmen. If someone denies you something, they do not allow you to have it. I never denied her anything. If you refuse to do something, you deliberately do not do it, or you say firmly that you will not do it. ...people who refuse to change their opinions... He refused to condemn them. You can refuse something that someone offers you. The patient has the right to refuse treatment. If someone does not allow you to have something you ask for, or to do something you have asked to do, you can say that they refuse you. He can run to Dad for money if I refuse him.
不要混淆 deny 和 refuse。deny 表示否认某事属实:The allegation was denied by government spokesmen (政府发言人否认了这一指控)。deny 亦表示拒绝给予某人某物:I never denied her anything (我对她百依百顺)。refuse 表示有意不做或坚决表示不做某事:people who refuse to change their opinions (拒绝改变看法的人),He refused to condemn them (他拒绝谴责他们)。refuse 亦表示拒绝接受别人主动给予的东西:The patient has the right to refuse treatment (病人有权拒绝接受治疗)。refuse还可表示拒绝给予某人其所要之物或不允许某人做其想做之事:He can run to Dad for money if I refuse him (如果我不给他钱,他可以跑到爸爸那儿去要)。

1. deny

1. 阻绝:我们了解,构成快攻当然是抢夺篮板球或抄截等状况;所以,在以上由攻转守变化状况瞬间,最靠近持球者是否做好对球施压(pressure the ball)、最靠近后场的球员(多数都是1号控球后卫或2号得分后卫与3号小前锋)是否把对方双箭头(lopper)阻绝(deny),这两个动作是预防

2. deny是什么意思

2. 否定:很多人对我的观点持否定(deny)态度,过度压抑自己会让自己讨厌(detest)自己,当你自己真正喜欢一个人时,你的心逃脱(escape)不了对她的想念(miss),你难道不介意(mind)让自己在对推迟(postpone)爱中的苦苦忍耐(endure)吗?

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    节俭自己的(开销等) be unselfish, especially in not having sth

1. deny oneself : 节制;

  • Peter denied Christ.
  • Atheists deny the existence of God.
  • He denied the signature.
  • The officer denied any knowledge of their plans.
  • The court denied his request for a new trial.
  • 1
  • That could not be denied.
  • Our request was denied.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Jones could not deny the charge.

    出自:Henry Fielding
  • I beg leave to deny this to be law.

    出自:W. Cruise
  • My client denies that he struck him.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • We have, I can't deny, had a lot of trouble with him.

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
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  • 词源解说

  • deny的基本意思是“否认知情”“否定”,即认为某事不真实、站不住脚、不值得考虑或与事实不符。引申可作“拒绝,谢绝”解。
  • deny是及物动词,作“否认”解时,可接名词、代词、动名词或that从句作宾语,但一般不接动词不定式作宾语。引申作“拒绝给予”解时,可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。
  • deny接反身代词作宾语时,意为“舍弃”。
deny, disavow, disclaim
  • 这组词都含有“否认”的意思。其区别是:
  • deny着重陈述某事是不真实的或不准确的; disclaim着重否认和所述的事有牵连; disavow着重否认曾经参与或知道所述的事情或拒绝对某事承担责任。
    • ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的denier;最初源自拉丁语的denegare:de (分开) + negare (拒绝),意为分开拒绝。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    He tried to deny it. Shame on him!(他想否认此事。真丢人!)
    As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was "paying her dues," and that "there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew."(当她的刑期接近尾声时,一位著名的专栏作家写道,她正在“付出自己的代价”,“任何人都没有资格否定她重新开始的权利”。)
    My instinctive reaction was to deny everything.(我的本能反应是否认一切。)
    Whether you love or loathe their music, you can't deny their talent.(无论你是否喜欢他们的音乐,你都无法否认他们的才能。)
    If they decide to invest in color-changing tile that looks like slate at first glance, because it makes them happy, then who are we to deny their choices?(如果他们决定投资第一眼看上去像是石板砖的变色瓷砖,因为这让他们高兴,那么我们凭什么去否定他们的选择呢?)
    Some scientists don't deny the existence of aliens, but further evidence is still needed to confirm it.(一些科学家并不否认外星人的存在,但是需要进一步的证据来证实。)
    To do so would be to deny Greece as one of the privileges of membership.(这样做将会剥夺希腊作为成员国的特权之一。)
    No one could deny that problems of crime in the inner city exist.(没人能够否认市中心区存在犯罪问题。)
    Atheists deny the existence of God.(无神论者否定上帝的存在。)
    Two federal courts ruled that the military cannot deny prisoners access to lawyers.(两联邦法院裁定军方不能拒绝让囚犯聘请律师。)
    deny是什么意思 deny在线翻译 deny什么意思 deny的意思 deny的翻译 deny的解释 deny的发音 deny的同义词