英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌdɪsəˈgri:]

美 [ˌdɪsəˈɡri]


过去式: disagreed 过去分词: disagreed 现在分词: disagreeing 第三人称单数: disagrees

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  • 不一致
  • 不同意
  • 意见不合
  • 不适宜
  • 不合
  • 不对
  • 不符合
  • 争持
  • 有害
  • 发生龃龉
  • 产生意见分歧
  • 各持己见
  • 合不来
  • 不这么看
  • 不符
  • 争论
  • 争执
  • 有分歧
  • 持不同意见
  • 使不舒服
  • 对(某人)不适宜
  • 不赞成
  • 反对
  • 意见不同
  • 有害健康
  • 不适合
  • 不同相异
  • 争吵
  • 对…产生不良效果
  • 有害(后接with)
  • vi. 持不同意见,不同意 take a different view; have a different opinions; not agree


1. be of different opinions

e.g. I beg to differ!
She disagrees with her husband on many questions

Synonym: differdissenttake issue

2. be different from one another

Synonym: disaccorddiscord

1. 不同意;有分歧;意见不合
If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you do not accept that what they say is true or correct. You can also say that two people disagree .


e.g. You must continue to see them no matter how much you may disagree with them...
e.g. They can communicate even when they strongly disagree...

2. 不赞成;反对
If you disagree with a particular action or proposal, you disapprove of it and believe that it is wrong.

e.g. I respect the president but I disagree with his decision...
e.g. I disagree with drug laws in general.

3. (尤指食物)对…不适宜,使…身体不适,不合…胃口
If a particular food or drink disagrees with you, it makes you feel unwell.

e.g. Orange juice seems to disagree with some babies.

1. 不同意:每个部分包含20-30个左右题目,题目都是陈述一个有关情况,让被调查者根据自己的看法回答同意的程度,程度有5级:1级-非常同意(Strongly agree)、2级-同意(Agree)、3级-中立(Neutral)、4级-不同意(Disagree)、5级-非常部同意(Strongly

2. 同意:这类型的角色往往会抑制(inhibit)团体的进步和个人的成长,通常会以下面的几种角色呈现出来:(李郁文,2001,p40-42)往往会不同意(disagree)别人的思想和讨论的结果;会不赞同别人的行为、感受及价值观.

3. disagree

3. 不一致,争论:disaffect 使生恶感,使生二心,使疏远 | disagree 不一致,争论 | disapprove 非难,不准许,不赞成

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Even friends sometimes disagree.
  • I'm sorry to disagree with you.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The other numerals are nouns, and disagree in gender with the words they enumerate.

    出自:A. B. Davidson
  • 词义讲解

disagree, differ, dissent, vary
  • 这组词的共同意思是“不像”“不和谐”。其区别是:
  • differ强调性格或意见的不同,但不侧重分歧的程度; vary指显而易见的差异和一系列的区别,常说明区别人或物的方式、程度、要点; disagree强调不一致,不仅不相同,而且不协调、不调合、不和谐; dissent指个人或人群之间的意见分歧,可指拒绝承认或同意某项提出的事情,也可指持反面意见的人表达不同的看法。
  • 相关列句
    We disagree with every point she makes.(我们不同意她提出的任何观点。)
    You must continue to see them no matter how much you may disagree with them.(不管你与他们有多大分歧,都必须一如既往地去看他们。)
    Survey respondents disagree over whether this generation will follow in their parents' footsteps, moving to the suburbs to raise families, or will choose to remain in the city center.(受访者对于这代人是否会跟随父母的脚步,搬到郊区安家落户,还是会选择留在市中心持不同意见。)
    'I disagree,' said Polly stoutly.(“我不同意。”波利拒不妥协地说。)
    Certain people might disagree with this.(某些人对这事可能不会赞同。)
    You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then.(那么你和我将同意各自保留意见。)
    It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone, but disagree about what to harmonize.(它之所以陷入僵局,是因为欧元区的主导力量——法国和德国,都认为有必要在欧元区内部加强协调,但他们在协调哪些方面存在分歧。)
    Surrounded by open ocean, it is also vulnerable, but Antarctic experts disagree strongly on just how unstable it is.(它被广阔的海洋包围,也很脆弱,但南极专家对它的不稳定程度存在强烈分歧。)
    You are saying that everyone should take equal responsibility, and that is where I disagree.(你说每个人都应该负同等的责任,这正是我不同意的地方。)
    Some people disagree with this argument.(有些人不同意这一论点。)
    disagree是什么意思 disagree在线翻译 disagree什么意思 disagree的意思 disagree的翻译 disagree的解释 disagree的发音 disagree的同义词