英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dɪˈzɪst]

美 [dɪˈsɪst, -ˈzɪst]


过去式: desisted 过去分词: desisted 现在分词: desisting 第三人称单数: desists

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1. choose not to consume

e.g. I abstain from alcohol

Synonym: abstainrefrain

1. 停止(做);不再(做)
If you desist from doing something, you stop doing it.

e.g. Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America...
e.g. The magazine will desist from such language after receiving complaints...

1. 终止:desist from 停止 | desist 终止 | desk clerk 接待人员

2. 停止做... 休想 断念:3. desist 停止做... 休想 断念 | You had better desist. 你最好打消念头吧 | resist 抵制 反抗 抗拒

3. desist

3. 断念:断奶weaning | 断念desist | 断片的fractionalfractionaryfragmentalfragmentary


4. 停止/控制/断念:desirous /愿望的/渴望的/渴望/ | desist /停止/控制/断念/ | deskman /办公室工作人员/报馆编辑人员/

  • 经典引文

  • He'd had to desist from smashing things because of the noise.

    出自:M. Leitch
But the Louisiana Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors has ordered him to "cease and desist".(但路易斯安那州殡葬业从业者协会责令他“停止营业”。)
They were told to desist from spreading grapevine news.(已告诉他们停止散布小道消息。)
The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.(该购物中心同意不再作假广告。)
I asked him to desist from abusing me in private to newspaper editors.(我要求他停止私下向各报馆编辑诽谤我。)
For example, it posts all of the cease-and-desist letters that it receives, including its sarcastic replies.(例如,它张贴所有勒令其停止运营的信件和网站的讽刺回信。)
You should desist from such foolish activities.(你们应该停止这种愚蠢的活动。)
They ought to desist from such foolish activities.(他们应该停止这种愚蠢的活动。)
If they desist not from what they say, truly, a painful punishment will befall the disbelievers among them.(如果他们不停止妄言,那末,他们中不信道的人,必遭痛苦的刑罚。)
North Face sent a cease-and-desist letter and, when Winkelmann declined to cease, the company filed suit.(NorthFace发出了勒令停止信,当温克尔曼谢绝停止时,公司被告了。)
The magazine will desist from such language after receiving complaints.(杂志接到投诉之后将杜绝使用此类语言。)
desist是什么意思 desist在线翻译 desist什么意思 desist的意思 desist的翻译 desist的解释 desist的发音 desist的同义词