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更新时间:2025-03-24 12:44:08


英 [ˈdɪgnɪtəri]

美 [ˈdɪgnɪteri]



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名词复数: dignitaries

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1. an important or influential (and often overbearing) person

Synonym: very important personVIPhigh-uppanjandrumhigh muckamuck

1. (政府或教会的)高官,显要,要员
Dignitaries are people who are considered to be important because they have a high rank in government or in the Church.

1. dignitary什么意思

1. 要人:蓝普敦并未在该篇文章中明指这名台湾要人(dignitary)是谁,不过台湾去年参加APEC会议的代表是中研院院长李远哲,李远哲此时也正在曼谷参加今年度APEC领袖级会议.

2. 权贵:dignify 使尊荣 | dignitary 权贵 | dignity 尊严

3. 显要人物:149. dietician: 营养学家. | 150. dignitary: 显要人物. | 151. dilettante: 半瓶醋,业余爱好者.

4. 高官:dignifyennoble 使高贵 | dignitary 高官 | dignitary 高贵的人

  • 经典引文

  • The Governor's garden party..the military band playing, local dignitaries there to meet us.

    出自:E. Heath
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

How would we dress for a "special occasion" such as meeting some important human dignitary?(如果我们要会见一个重要的人物,在一个“特别的场合”我们该怎样打扮自己?)
The worst moment of all occurred at the end of a high-profile luncheon to which the Chinese delegation had been invited by the CEO of their American host organization, who was a respected dignitary.(最糟糕的时刻发生在一次高调午餐会的结尾。邀请中方代表团赴宴的是美方主办机构的CEO——一位令人尊敬的大人物。)
On December 13,1253, Kublai Khan besieged and took over Dali Town, with no genocide. Some local dignitary Bai families surrendered and some rebelled violently.(公元1253年12月13日,忽必烈攻下大理城,没有屠城,当地白族名家大姓有的投诚,有的激烈反抗。)
I feel very much out-of-place in last night's reception for a foreign dignitary.(我在昨晚一个接待重要外宾的宴会里,觉得很不适应。)
Have you ever dislike your husband no dignitary and position no get promoted and no enough money?(你是否曾嫌弃你的丈夫官做的不够高,钱挣的不够多?)
The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace.(王宫,宫廷国王或贵族居住的地方;)
We leave him and head down the bridge towards the castle gates, passing an Irishman and a Spanish Dignitary.(我们离开他,走过城堡大门前的那座桥,经过一位爱尔兰人和一位西班牙高官。)
In the deep of night, he was woken by the unceasing cries, it turned out that the neighbor's master was dead. The dignitary said: "it's unlucky, I'd like to chant sutra for him!"(深夜被一连串的哭声吵醒,原来邻居家的主人因病去世,高僧且说道“真是不幸,我去诵经超度他吧!”)
Anglican Church an ecclesiastical dignitary usually ranking just below a bishop.((英国国教教会中)仅排列在主教之下的教会的显要人物。)
The dignitary is addressed by people respectfully as "Sanzang Rabbi".(这位高僧被人们尊称为“三藏法师。”)
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