英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:49:50



英 [dɪˈskʌvə(r)]

美 [dɪˈskʌvɚ]


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形容词: discoverable 名词: discovery 过去式: discovered 过去分词: discovered 现在分词: discovering 第三人称单数: discovers

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  • 发现(人才),找到,有所发现,找出
  • 发觉
  • 看出,看到
  • 现出,露出,显示,泄露,暴露,透露,揭露
  • 【象棋】将(对方)一军
  • 侦悉,探索
  • 获得
  • 学会,弄清,弄明白,明白过来
  • 了解到,认识到,人清,领悟,了解
  • 碰见,撞见
  • 揭开…的盖子
  • 使露出,使知道
  • vt. 发现 find or learn out
  • vt. 碰见,撞见 find unexpectedly
  • vt. 了解到,认识到,发觉 come to know; realize


1. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

e.g. I learned that she has two grown-up children
I see that you have been promoted

Synonym: learnhearget wordget windpick upfind outget a linesee

2. identify as in botany or biology, for example

Synonym: identifykeykey outdistinguishdescribename

3. make a discovery

e.g. She found that he had lied to her
The story is false, so far as I can discover

Synonym: find

4. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

e.g. The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold
The actress won't reveal how old she is
bring out the truth
he broke the news to her
unwrap the evidence in the murder case

Synonym: unwrapdiscloselet onbring outrevealexposedivulgebreakgive awaylet out

5. make a discovery, make a new finding

e.g. Roentgen discovered X-rays
Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle

Synonym: find

6. see for the first time
make a discovery

e.g. Who discovered the North Pole?

7. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of

e.g. She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
We found traces of lead in the paint

Synonym: detectobservefindnotice

8. find unexpectedly

e.g. the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
she struck a goldmine
The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake

Synonym: fall uponstrikecome uponlight uponchance uponcome acrosschance onhappen uponattain

1. 发现(以前不知道的事实)
If you discover something that you did not know about before, you become aware of it or learn of it.


e.g. She discovered that they'd escaped...
e.g. I discovered I was pregnant...

2. (偶然)发现;找到(一直在寻找的某人或某物)
If a person or thing is discovered, someone finds them, either by accident or because they have been looking for them.

e.g. A few days later his badly beaten body was discovered on a roadside outside the city.

3. (第一个)发现
When someone discovers a new place, substance, scientific fact, or scientific technique, they are the first person to find it or become aware of it.

e.g. ...the first European to discover America...
e.g. In the 19th century, gold was discovered in California...
19 世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。

...the myth of Columbus as the heroic discoverer of the Americas 500 years ago.
500 年前哥伦布作为发现美洲大陆的英雄人物而具有的传奇色彩

4. 初次接触(某活动并乐在其中)
If you say that someone has discovered a particular activity or subject, you mean that they have tried doing it or studying it for the first time and that they enjoyed it.

e.g. I wish I'd discovered photography when I was younger...
e.g. Discover the delights and luxury of a private yacht.

5. 发现,发掘(不为人所知的演员、音乐人等艺人)
When an actor, musician, or other performer who is not well-known is discovered, someone recognizes that they have talent and helps them in their career.


e.g. The Beatles were discovered in the early 1960's.

You can use discover, find, or find out to talk about learning that something is the case. He discovered the whole school knew about it... The young child finds that noise attracts attention... We found out that she was wrong. Discover is a slightly more formal word than find, and is often used to talk about scientific research or formal investigations. For example, you can discover a cure for a particular disease. You can also use discover when you find something by accident. This well-known flower was discovered in 1903. If you cannot see something you are looking for, you say that you cannot find it. You do not use 'discover' or 'find out' in this way. I'm lost — I can't find the bridge. You can say that someone finds out facts when this is easy to do, but you cannot use 'discover' or 'find' in this way. I found out the train times.
discover, find, find out 都可以用于描述获知事实情况:He discovered the whole school knew about it...(他发现整个学校都知道这件事了),The young child finds that noise attracts attention...(小孩子发现吵闹能吸引注意力),We found out that she was wrong(我们发现她错了)。discover 比 find 稍正式,并常用于谈论科学研究和正式的调查。例如,可以用于表示发现治疗某种疾病的方法,还可以指偶然间的发现:This well-known flower was discovered in 1903(这种著名的花是 1903 年发现的)。找不到某物用 cannot find somthing, dicover和 find out 则无此用法。如:I'm lost — I can't find the bridge(我迷路了,我找不到那座桥了)。find out 可以指弄清很容易就发现的事实,但 discover 和 find 则无此用法:I found out the train times(我查到了列车时刻表)。

1. discover在线翻译

1. 發掘:如果你的目标是要减少别人增加你的工作量,这三种层次的问题--发掘(Discover)、探询(Explore)、约定(Contract)就很有用!

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • He was dead for three weeks before anyone discovered him.
  • As soon as he discovered the police, he ran away.
  • One day while sweeping the compound he discovered seven eggs in a pile of straw.
  • The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite, quartz here.
  • Recently they have discovered a comet.
  • Our oil-workers have discovered another big oil field.
  • Columbus discovered America, but did not explore the new continent.
  • He discovered his mistake too late.
  • Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb.
  • Modern astronomers have discovered over 100 million such galaxies.
  • The prisoner had discovered the danger and was now working very quietly.
  • Issac Newton discovered the law of gravity.
  • She would not discover her name to the stranger.
  • He discovered their plans to his brother.
  • 1
  • He was cautious lest he should be discovered by the enemy.
  • If their identity had been discovered it would have meant sure death.
  • Xi Er was at last discovered in a cave where she had been living for many years.
  • The bicycle which had disappeared was discovered at the football ground.
  • If one is discovered to have developed high blood-pressure or heart-disease, he is immediately transferred to light work.
  • His talent as an author was soon discovered.
  • The first virus was discovered in 1898.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The Prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my niece.

    出自:Much Ado about Nothing,Shakespeare
  • They contain some secrets which Time will discover.

    出自:J. Davies
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 常见错误

  • 词源解说

  • discover的基本意思是“除去覆盖物,使之显示出本来的面目”。引申则表示“发现”,指发现的对象本来存在,但人们不知道而被发现者所发现,可指人发现人、物或地方,也可以指人发现特定的活动或科学规律。
  • discover也可表示出乎意料地撞见〔碰见〕某事物或了解到、认识到、发觉某事物,由此引申可表示弄明真相或找到答案。
  • discover是及物动词,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的不定式、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式、现在分词和“to be+ n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。
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discover, find, find out, invent, look for
  • 这组词(组)都有“发明”“发现”的意思。discover指发现或偶然发现原来就存在但一直未被认识的东西; look for作“寻找”解时,指寻找的动作和过程; find指寻找的结果,即“找到”,是非延续性动词,不如discover正式; find out指经过观察、调查把某事、某物查出来,搞清楚,弄明白,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况; invent指发明原来不存在的东西,有时也可指虚构、捏造。例如:
  • Whilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays.威尔海尔姆·伦琴发现了X射线。
  • He was amazed to find her there.发现她在那里,他很吃惊。
  • Let's try and find out what's at the back of this problems.咱们想法弄清问题的背景是怎样的。
  • Whatt invented the steam engine.瓦特发明了蒸汽机。
  • She ran across some old letters when she was looking for something else.她找别的东西时,偶然翻出几封过去的信。
  • v.(动词)

      I discovered swimming in our pool.

      I discovered them swimming in our pool.


    • ☆ 直接源自中古英语的discoveren,意为发现,暴露,显示。
    • 中考真题例句

    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    中考真题例句 OG 1.discover

    We have discovered unknown lives in the universe.



    中考真题例句 OG 2.discover

    When the mother returned to her seat, she discovered that the child was missing.



    中考真题例句 OG 3.discover

    I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.



    高考真题例句 OG 1.discover

    He discovered that he could earn some money while doing something he really enjoyed.

    他发现他可以一边赚钱, 一边做他真正喜欢的事情。


    高考真题例句 OG 1.discover

    Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse "night people" who are hiding secrets.

    玛丽开始改变自己的生活, 发现了一个多样的"夜猫子"的世界, 那里的人们都隐藏着秘密。


    考研真题例句 OG 1.discover

    For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.discover

    Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.



    考研真题例句 OG 3.discover

    Most archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching, while many others have been discovered by accident.



    Rupert Isaacson has managed to discover the secret of turning one challenge into many achievements.(鲁伯特·艾萨克森成功地发现了将一项挑战转化为多项成就的秘诀。)
    We may never discover what took place that night.(我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。)
    When did Marchenko and his students discover huge waves in the Arctic waters?(马尔琴科和他的学生是什么时候在北极水域发现巨浪的?)
    What you immediately discover makes sense.(你马上发现的是有意义的。)
    Challenge yourself and discover your voice!(挑战自我而且发现你的声音!)
    Why did they not discover the geometric perspective as European artists did in the Renaissance?(为什么他们没有像文艺复兴时期的欧洲艺术家那样发现几何透视法呢?)
    He was stunned to discover cost overspends of at least $1 billion.(他吃惊地发现至少有$10亿的费用超支。)
    Only later did she discover a talent for writing.(她后来才发现自己的写作天分。)
    We never did discover why she gave up her job.(我们一直弄不清楚她为什么辞职。)
    Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.(往前绕片,绕到他们发现尸体的那一截。)
    discover是什么意思 discover在线翻译 discover什么意思 discover的意思 discover的翻译 discover的解释 discover的发音 discover的同义词