英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:54:28


英 [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ʃənət]

美 [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:rʃənət]


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副词: disproportionately 名词: disproportionateness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. not proportionate

2. out of proportion

Synonym: disproportional

1. (数量或尺寸)不成比例的,不相称的
Something that is disproportionate is surprising or unreasonable in amount or size, compared with something else.

e.g. A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic...
e.g. This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence.

...a disproportionately high suicide rate among young prisoners.

1. disproportionate在线翻译

1. 不相称的:此角色有没有不常见的发型,或者其头发有没有相对於其他角色而言不相称的(disproportionate)性质(description)?23'. 即使对这角色而言这种穿著极其不符合逻辑(illogical)亦然?(基於财政上的(monetary)问题,或者这对角色的职业构成干扰)27.

2. 不成比例的:disproportion 不相称 | disproportionate 不成比例的 | dissection 剖分


3. 不成比例:disproportionally 不相称地 | disproportionate 不成比例 | disprovable 可证明为误的

4. disproportionate是什么意思

4. 不相称的,不匀称的:disproportionate 不相称的,不匀称的 | objectionable 令人不愉快的,有害的 | abnormal 不正常的

  • 经典引文

  • His tiny, child-like snore, so disproportionate to his bulk.

    出自:C. S. Lewis
  • The socially crippling effects of unmarried motherhood constituted an altogether disproportionate punishment for a momentary loss of control.

    出自:D. Murphy
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

This allows them to capture a disproportionate share of the industry's profits.(这使得它们得以获得份额不一地利润。)
They receive a disproportionate number of citations.(他们的被引用次数不成比例。)
Not surprisingly, a disproportionate 15 of 25 hospitals on our list were part of for-profit chains.(意料之中的是,25家上榜医院中有15家是营利性医疗连锁巨头的成员,比例非常高。)
Instead, we assign a disproportionate amount of importance to what's immediate and tangible.(相反,我们过多的重视直接的和看得见的事物。)
Many victims are minibus passengers; a disproportionate number are children.(其中很多受害者都是乘坐的小型巴士,其中儿童伤亡的比例畸高。)
With risk comes the hope of disproportionate impact, but also some probability of failure.(随着危机同时到来的,不仅有巨大的希望,而且还有失败的可能。)
One drawback of the sample: a disproportionate number, 63%, were men.(这个检验样本的缺点是:人数不成比例,其中男人占了63%。)
It would mirror the fate of athletics, in which disproportionate energies and resources—not least medical ones, like illegal steroids—are now invested to shave records by milliseconds.(这将反映出田径运动员的命运,如今,为了把记录缩短几毫秒,运动员们投入了过多的精力和资源,尤其是非法使用类固醇等医疗方面的资源。)
And I have become convinced that Pollard's sentence of life was disproportionate to his crime.(我坚信,对波拉德终身监禁的量刑与其所犯罪行不符。)
Was this the mechanism that helped them achieve the disproportionate nature of degrees?(还是帮助他们达到不均衡的本质程度的机制?)
disproportionate是什么意思 disproportionate在线翻译 disproportionate什么意思 disproportionate的意思 disproportionate的翻译 disproportionate的解释 disproportionate的发音 disproportionate的同义词