英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:12:22
  • 英英释义

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1. the act of expanding by pressure from within

Synonym: distension

2. the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions

Synonym: dilatationdistension

1. 膨胀:开始时,乳房充血是由血管分布增加与泌乳前的淋巴膨胀(distention)造成. 此时用手挤(Manual expression)或者机械汲乳不但无法产出乳汁,反而可能受伤. 在这样的早期,母亲应该被建议一天 24 小时穿着合身的胸罩. 如果不特别处理,

2. 扩张:distant metastasis 远转移 | distention 扩张 | distillation 蒸馏

3. (瘤胃)膨胀:dissolve 溶解 | distention (瘤胃)膨胀 v, distend | distilled water 蒸馏水

4. distention

4. 膨胀, 延伸:cyanotic 发绀的 青紫的 | distention 膨胀 延伸 | failure 失败衰竭

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In the control group, the proportion of patients with nausea, abdominal distention, dizziness and light sleeplessness was 8 cases (21.1%), 4 cases (10.5%) and 2 cases (5.3%), respectively.(对照组出现恶心、腹胀,头晕及轻度失眠的例数及所占比例分别为8例(21.1%)、4例(10.5%)、2例(5.3%)。)
This paper try to discuss "distention and stuffiness" symptoms pathogenesis by the abnormal movements of Yin and Yang of six aspects.(试以阴阳升降失常的角度从六方面论述“痞”证的病机。)
More advanced disease is typically associated with abdominal distention, nausea, anorexia, or early satiety due to the presence of ascites and omental or bowel metastases.(更多的进展期病例出现典型的腹部膨隆、恶心、食欲减退以及因腹水和网膜或肠转移的存在所致的早期饱胀感。)
Acupuncture may cause a little pain, and it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.(针灸可能有点痛,但也会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。)
Gastric distention may also reduce lung volume by elevating the diaphragm.(胃胀使膈升高也会减少肺的容积。)
Left ventricular failure results in distention of the left atrium, engorgement of the pulmonary veins.(左心室衰竭导致左心房扩张,肺静脉充盈。)
We report a 19-month-old girl with final diagnosis of typhoid colonic perforation who initially presented with abdominal distention and umbilical erythema on arrival at our emergency department.(我们提出一19个月大的女童,因沙门氏菌肠炎导致大肠穿孔,其最初至本院的临床表现为腹胀和肚脐发红。)
Results: the symptoms of these 20 patients were non-specific, upper abdominal pain was most common and hunger pain, abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, melena being the next.(结果:20例患者的临床表现均无特异性,上腹疼痛最为常见,其次是饥饿痛、腹胀、恶心、呕吐、黑便等。)
The patients said that when they first acquired this disease, their initial symptoms were: fever, allergic red spots, muscle pain, muscle twitching, weakness, headache, abdominal distention, diarrhea.(该患者说,当他们第一次获得这种疾病,他们最初的症状为:发烧,过敏性红点,肌肉疼痛,肌肉抽搐,无力,头痛,腹胀,腹泻。)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is belong to lung distention in TCM, blood stasis is one of the vital pathology factors of lung distention.(慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)属于中医“肺胀”范畴,瘀血是肺胀的重要病理因素之一。)
distention是什么意思 distention在线翻译 distention什么意思 distention的意思 distention的翻译 distention的解释 distention的发音 distention的同义词