英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:12:59


英 [dɪs'treɪn]

美 [dɪ'streɪn]


形容词: distrainable 名词: distrainment 过去式: distrained 过去分词: distrained 现在分词: distraining 第三人称单数: distrains

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. legally take something in place of a debt payment

2. confiscate by distress

3. levy a distress on

1. 扣押:如果因为公司拖欠租金,出租人已经扣押(distrain)了公司财产(goods),他可以出售这些财产,并且债券持有人不得要求他报告这些收入的用途. 他也可以扣押浮动抵押结晶后被债券持有人占有的公司财产(goods). 但是,如果法院任命的接管人占有公司财产,

2. 为抵债而扣押财物;扣货追债;查封:distinct account獨立帳目 | distrain為抵債而扣押財物;扣貨追債;查封 | distress扣押財物;扣押;查封

3. 财产扣押:distort歪曲,失实 | distrain财产扣押 | distrainee财产被扣押人

4. 扣押财产:distrail 耗散尾迹 | distrain 扣押财产 | distrainee 被扣押人

  • 经典引文

  • All such as ought to be Knights and are not, shall be distrained to undertake the weapons of Knighthood.

    出自:N. Bacon
  • When Squire Peremptory distrained his tenant for rent.

    出自:A. Tucker
If he doesn't pay, will the court distrain upon his house?(如果他不付款,法院会扣押他的房子吗?)
The owner may ask the court for an order to distrain upon the furniture of any person who fails to pay his rent.(房主要求法院下令,扣押那个不付押金的青年的家具。)
The employers have no right to ask college students to offer security, nor to distrain upon their IDs or other identifications.(用人单位不得要求大学生提供担保,也不得扣押劳动者的居民身份证或者其他证件;)
The owner asked the court for an order to distrain upon the furniture of the young man who failed to pay his rent.(房主可以要求法院下令,扣押所有不付租金的人的家具。)
It shall not distrain articles that are not related to the case.(对与案件无关的物品,不得扣押。)
A citizens lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, distrain, freeze or confiscate it.(公民的合法财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占哄抢破坏或者非法查封扣押冻结没收。)
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