英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [daɪˈvɜ:t]

美 [daɪˈvɜ:rt]


副词: divertingly 名词: diverter 过去式: diverted 过去分词: diverted 现在分词: diverting 第三人称单数: diverts

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  • 网络解释

  • 转移,使转移,使转向
  • 使分心,转移(某人)的注意力
  • 使改道,使改行,使绕道
  • 使消遣,使解闷,使娱乐,使欢娱,使高兴,给…娱乐,逗...开心
  • 【军】箝制,佯攻,牵制(敌人)
  • 岔开,使偏斜
  • 转向,转到,转移到
  • vt. & vi. (使)转移,转向 (cause to) turn aside of change from one direction to another
  • vt. 使得到消遣 amuse


1. send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one

2. turn aside
turn away from

Synonym: deviate

3. withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions

Synonym: hive off

4. occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion

e.g. The play amused the ladies

Synonym: amusedisport

1. (使)转向;(使)绕道
To divert vehicles or travellers means to make them follow a different route or go to a different destination than they originally intended. You can also say that someone or something diverts from a particular route or to a particular place.

e.g. ...Rainham Marshes, east London, where a new bypass will divert traffic from the A13...
伦敦东部的雷纳姆泽,那儿有一条新的旁道将会分流 A13 公路的交通
e.g. During the strike, ambulances will be diverted to private hospitals...

in AM, use 美国英语用 detour

2. 改变(资金、资源)的用途;转移
To divert money or resources means to cause them to be used for a different purpose.

e.g. The government is trying to divert more public funds from west to east.
e.g. ...government departments involved in diverting resources into community care.

3. 转接(电话)
To divert a phone call means to send it to a different number or place from the one that was dialled by the person making the call.

e.g. He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura's calls to him.
e.g. Customers will only incur additional call charges if the call is diverted outside the UK.

4. 转移,分散(注意力)
If you say that someone diverts your attention from something important or serious, you disapprove of them behaving or talking in a way that stops you thinking about it.

e.g. They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues.
e.g. The President needed to divert attention away from his own economic record.

1. 转向:使用他人的商标注册域名,就是想让消费者从网络上的某个位置转向(divert)另一个位置,必然导致消费者对来源、隶属及合作等情况产生混淆,并可能损害商标的信誉.

2. 转入,转向,自娱,消遣:diversify 使多样化,使变化 | divert 转入,转向,自娱,消遣 | divest 脱去,剥除

3. divert的反义词

3. 使分心:diversify 使多样化 | divert 使分心 | dominate 占优势

4. 转移:distill 蒸馏 ,滴下 | divert 转移 | dividend 被除数;股息,红利,奖金,年息

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    (使)偏离(某目标、路线、方向等) turn (sth) in a different direction from (sth)
    divert sb/sth from sth/v-ing

    To prevent flooding, we shall have to divert the river from its course.


    A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields.


    Using a mirror, you can divert light from its path.


    The sound of the bell diverted the boy's attention from the toy.


    How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss?


    A loud noise diverted my attention from studying.


    Money collected through taxes is often diverted from the purpose for which it was intended.


    He was diverted from his purpose.


    Some students are easily diverted from listening to the teacher in class.


  • They divert the course of a river.
  • Such games divert the children.
  • The new play diverted the audience.
  • Music diverts me after a day's work.
  • She often diverts herself in reading novels.
  • In his spare time, he usually diverts himself by playing chess.
  • After the conference, the diplomats diverted their minds by attending the dance.
  • 1
  • The traffic had to be diverted because of the accident.
  • Some people are easily diverted.
  • The children were immensely diverted by his funny stories.
  • There are few children or adults who are not diverted by a circus.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Some of the reinforcements..were afterwards diverted to other services.

    出自:T. Arnold
  • I had to get planning permission to divert the stream.

    出自:E. Figes
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • divert的基本意思是“(使)转向”,可指改变现有的或自然的路线或方向,也可指改变人(已集中)的思想、(固定的)注意力或(坚定的)目的; 含有“迫使”的意味。
  • divert所表示的“注意力转移”,一般多指人的注意力被另一件有趣的事所吸引,由此而引申。divert还可表示使人把注意力从令人烦恼或老一套的日常事物上转移开,使人感到轻松愉快,即“得到消遣”。
  • divert是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  • divert可接from表示“(使)偏离…”; 接to表示“转向”; 接with表示“以…使欢娱 ”。
divert into, divert onto, divert to
  • 这组短语的共同意思是“改变到某处”。其区别是:
  • divert into指改变领域、话题等; divert onto指(车辆)等改道; divert to指改变工作、目的等。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    Don't fight negative thoughts, just divert your attention a positive thoughts or mental images.(不要和负面想法去作斗争,只需将注意力转移到正面的想法或精神意象。)
    Late in life, Gatling did divert his attention to steam-powered ploughs.(加特林到了晚年,他确实将注意力转移到了蒸汽式的犁。)
    Otherwise it will divert resources where they're needed.(否则它会将资源转移到需要的地方。)
    The government is planning to invest billions in a system of canals, pipelines and aqueducts to divert water from the soggy south to the parched north.(政府正在计划投资几十亿建一个由水渠、水管和高架水道构成的系统,将水从潮湿的南方转调到干旱的北方。)
    Many countries cannot afford to divert land away from food production.(许多国家无法把土地从粮食生产转为生物燃料生产。)
    Luckily, you can pull a lever and divert the trolley to another track.(幸运的是,你可以拉一个拉杆,让电车开到另一条轨道上。)
    They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues.(他们想把人民的注意力从真正的问题上转移开。)
    Recent studies of ancient Maya water management have found that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs.(最近对古玛雅水资源管理的研究发现,一些城市的城市建筑被用来分流降雨径流到相互连接的水库的重力补给系统中。)
    Egypt is building 20 new cities to divert people away from Cairo. It plans 45 more.(埃及正在建设20座新城,以减轻开罗人口压力,还计划再建45座。)
    Consumers don't have to divert a growing share of their incomes from spending.(消费者也不必逐渐减少他们收入中的支出部分。)
    divert是什么意思 divert在线翻译 divert什么意思 divert的意思 divert的翻译 divert的解释 divert的发音 divert的同义词