英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-07-01 15:52:55

drink in

英 [driŋk in]

美 [drɪŋk ɪn]

汲取; 陶醉于; 倾听
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1. be fascinated or spell-bound by
pay close attention to

e.g. The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage

Synonym: drink

1. 聚精会神地看(或听);尽情地欣赏;陶醉于
If you drink in something that you see or hear, you pay a lot of attention to it and enjoy it.

e.g. She stood drinking in the glittering view.


1. 尽情地看;入神地听:keep doing sth. 不停地做某事 | drink in 尽情地看;入神地听 | stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

2. 吸收:drink down 借酒消愁 | drink in 吸收 | drink like a fish 大喝

3. 陶醉于;如饥似渴地倾听:44 a succession of 一系列,一连串 | 45 drink in 陶醉于;如饥似渴地倾听 | 46 yield to 让步于,屈服于

4. 吸入,吸收; 倾听,陶醉于:2. dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮; 装饰,修饰 | 3. drink in 吸入,吸收; 倾听,陶醉于 | 4. drive at 想说,打算

He saw birds come and dip their heads to drink in it and then flick their wings and fly away.(他看见鸟儿飞来,低下头来喝水,然后扇动翅膀飞走了。)
May I suggest that you have a drink in bar while you wait?(您能否在酒吧喝点什么,等一会儿。)
They were the first to put their drink in bottles.(他们创先把饮料注入瓶子中。)
But those who do drink in countries with high abstention rates consume alcohol at high levels.(但在不饮酒比率较高的国家中,饮酒者消费酒精的水平很高。)
What tea does the older drink in summer?(老年人夏天喝什么茶?)
And maybe you listen and drink in moderation or not at all.(也许你听从建议适量喝酒或者一点都不喝。)
Often you find people smoking at the next table while you are eating your meal or having a drink in a bar.(在你吃饭或者在酒吧喝酒的时候,你常常发现邻座的人在吸烟。)
We had food and drink in plenty.(我们的食物和饮料十分充足。)
We must not eat or drink in the classroom.(我们不可吃或者陶醉在教室。)
Retail sales of food and drink in Europe's largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow.(欧洲最大市场的食品和饮料零售处于停滞状态,这使得欧洲的杂货零售商迫切需要增长的机会。)
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