英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [tempˈteɪʃn]

美 [tɛmpˈteʃən]



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  • 诱惑
  • 引诱
  • 诱惑物, 引诱物,煽诱人的事物
  • 吸引力,诱惑力
  • 引诱力
  • 诱饵
  • [U]诱惑,引诱 tempting or tempted
  • [C]诱惑物 thing that tempts or attracts


1. the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire

e.g. his enticements were shameless

Synonym: enticement

2. something that seduces or has the quality to seduce

Synonym: enticement

3. the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid

e.g. he felt the temptation and his will power weakened

1. 诱惑;引诱;诱惑物;诱因
If you feel you want to do something or have something, even though you know you really should avoid it, you can refer to this feeling as temptation. You can also refer to the thing you want to do or have as a temptation .

e.g. Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?
e.g. ...the many temptations to which you will be exposed.

1. temptation在线翻译

1. 邪念,诱惑:ecstasy 销魂 | temptation 邪念,诱惑 | blasphemy, profanation 亵渎

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • He was surrounded by temptations.
  • The sight of the purse on the table was a strong temptation to the poor child.
  • I tried to overcome the temptation to laugh.
用作名词 (n.)
  • He did not want to read that lettershis temptations never lay in that direction.

    出自:E. M. Forster
  • He..resisted the temptation to tease her.

    出自:E. J. Howard
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.temptation

For many, finding an unattended wallet filled with £400 in cash would be a source(来源)of temptation(诱惑).

对很多人来说, 如果发现一个装着400英镑现金且无人看管的钱包, 那将是一种诱惑。


Avoid the temptation to say, "poop smells bad because it's so stinky."(避免这样回答“大便闻起来不好是因为它很臭。”)
She has failed to resist the temptation.(她没能抵挡住诱惑。)
With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.(他凭自己的意志顶住了这一诱惑。)
This will reduce the temptation to fudge on your boundaries.(这将减少你在界限上敷衍了事的诱惑。)
Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?(他们能抵抗得住购买的诱惑吗?)
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist.(我抵挡不住逃课的诱惑。)
It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior.(当遇到不文明的行为时,只有头脑最冷静、脾气最好的司机才能抵制报复的诱惑。)
Congress should resist the temptation to try quick economic fixes.(国会应该抗拒尝试快速经济调整的诱惑。)
I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.(我抵制不住好奇心把信打开了。)
The temptation is to write and rewrite and rewrite.(人们总是忍不住要写啊、再写、再重写……)
temptation是什么意思 temptation在线翻译 temptation什么意思 temptation的意思 temptation的翻译 temptation的解释 temptation的发音 temptation的同义词