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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:25:45


英 [dju:'plɪsɪtəs]

美 [dju:'plɪsɪtəs]


副词: duplicitously 名词: duplicitousness

  • 网络解释

1. 搞两面派的,奸诈的;双重的:dupe: 上当者 | duplicitous: 搞两面派的,奸诈的;双重的 | duplicity: 欺骗,口是心非

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

So which is the real Mr Obama: the naive incompetent “in over his head” or the duplicitous Machiavellian?(那么哪个才是真的奥巴马?是那个幼稚无能的“矮子”还是那个搞两面派的马基雅弗利?)
The wishful thoughts about learning are reasonable because leaners are at the mercy of duplicitous advertising campaigns.(关于学习一厢情愿的想法很正常,因为学员饱受表里不一的广告攻势之害。)
Although pirates make sophisticated use of middlemen, agents, lawyers, and publicists, it remains at heart a thuggish and duplicitous business.(尽管海盗老练地使用中间人,代理人,律师,宣传员,但本质上这还是一种凶残与狡诈的生意。)
Graham Price of South Wales ripped off the bank where he worked, but he wasn't completely duplicitous.(南威尔士的格拉汉姆·普赖斯grahamPrice在他工作的银行行窃,但没做到深藏不露。)
But do the dogs really know that their people are being duplicitous?(不过,小狗们是否真的识破了主人们的这种把戏呢?)
The personalities emerge sharper, firmer and more duplicitous.(人物个性更加鲜明、有力、表里不一。)
But the phone and cable companies are themselves being duplicitous.(但电话和有线电视公司本身就是个滑头。)
Riker wouldn't point to specific passages, but it's safe to assume calling McDonald's "duplicitous" and its marketing practices "predatory" failed to ingratiate CSPI with the company.(Riker不愿意明确指出他提到的段落,但是可以肯定的说,CSPI称麦当劳“奸诈”和营销手段“掠夺性的”,并不讨改公司。)
Technically, I hadn't done anything wrong, but I felt dishonest and I was certainly being duplicitous.(从理论上讲,我没做错,但我还是觉得自己不太诚实,实际上,我确实有点两面派。)
That is, they were more prone to being duplicitous and self-serving, cold-hearted and lacking in empathy, vain and selfish, and more likely to derive pleasure from other people's pain.(也就是说,他们更加狡黠、以自我为中心、冷酷、缺乏同情心、自负又自私,喜欢将自己的快乐建立在他人的痛苦之上。)
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