英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:28:36



英 [ˈi:zl]

美 [ˈizəl]



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1. an upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas)

1. 画架
An easel is a wooden frame that supports a picture which an artist is painting or drawing.


1. 画架:从画架(easel)上拿到James画的阴暗的画(dark pictrue). 检查并右键点击床垫上的孔读到James的日记. 在Sharp Edge的灯塔(lighthouse)寻找James:看到一个柱子上有一个开口(openings)和一个被锁住的轮子(wheel).被水淹没的地方侧面有两个管口.

2. 画架,调色板:finishing touch 最后一笔 | easel 画架,调色板 | palette 画板

3. easel的意思

3. 框,架,绘图架:ear wax 耵聍,耳垢 | easel 框,架,绘图架 | ebullience 沸腾

4. easel的意思

4. 肥皂:moon -- 摸 | easel--肥皂 | sky --滚回家

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Some investors are even venturing into the riskiest area of the market, so-called "wet art" recently off the easel.(一些投资人甚至冒险涉足市场风险最大的领域,最近出现的一种所谓“wetart”(以水下为主题背景应用电脑技术合成修改)的艺术品。)
In this room you can also find Aleksandr's easel and palettes.(在这个房间你也可以发现亚历山大的画架和调色板。)
The space in easel painting indicates the traditional three dimensions: length, width and height.(架上绘画的空间一般指我们能感知到的长、宽、深三维空间。)
You can either use a table and prop your board somewhat, or an upright easel.(您能或使用表和扶植,或一个挺直画架。)
In the good weather there was always an artist easel.(在天气好时,这总会有一个背着画架的画家。)
Mr. Huang: I like the easel painting.(黄:我喜欢架上绘画。)
I took it from the easel and held it up to the Windows.(我把画从画架上取下来,把它举到窗户前。)
Displacing the image on the easel by the magnetic field in the new situation is the profound meaning of "transform" I said.(将架上的图像置换成新状态下的磁场,这是我所说的深层次下的“置换”意义。)
Right in front of the easel painting generally placed in the.(画架一般放置在绘画者的右前方。)
Typically he would paint around 400 figures a day, standing almost motionless at the easel.(通常,他一天写大约400个数字,一动不动地站在画架前。)
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