英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪkˈsi:d]

美 [ɪkˈsid]



过去式: exceeded 过去分词: exceeded 现在分词: exceeding 第三人称单数: exceeds

  • 详情解释

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  • 超过,超出,胜过
  • 突出
  • 优于
  • 凌驾
  • 超越的限制
  • 领先
  • 超越,越过,越出
  • vt. 超过; 超越 be more or greater than


1. be or do something to a greater degree

e.g. her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
She outdoes all other athletes
This exceeds all my expectations
This car outperforms all others in its class

Synonym: surpassoutstripoutmatchoutgooutdosurmountoutperform

2. be superior or better than some standard

e.g. She exceeded our expectations
She topped her performance of last year

Synonym: transcendoversteppassgo pasttop

3. be greater in scope or size than some standard

e.g. Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds

Synonym: transcendsurpass

1. 超过,超出(某数量、数字等)
If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number.

e.g. Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year...
e.g. The demand for places at some schools exceeds the supply...

2. 超出,超越(限制、规定等)
If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not supposed to or it is against the law.


e.g. He accepts he was exceeding the speed limit...
e.g. I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted.

1. 超过:在头两种情况下,至少我们在描述其温度超过(exceed)我们的(温度的)程度. 用在手电(flashlight)中的普通干电池(dry cell)被构作(construct)成图23-8所示那样. 正电极(electrode)是一根碳棒(carbon rod),负电极是一个锌壳(zinc can).

2. exceed什么意思

2. 超越:seed只会系过去式的存在, 只要落在地里死了, 愿意比神使用的话, 呢粒种子, 必定可以超越 (exceed) 本身的界限,作为基督徒, 过去, 可能只系一粒好小的种子...........

3. exceed是什么意思

3. 超出:要使一决定有别于程序化产物--要使一决定成为德里达意义上的决定--决定必须超出(exceed)或者说超过(overrun)一切程序的条件. 如果决定是由伦理存在(an ethical being)而非计算机作出的,那么,

4. 超过,胜过:excavate 挖掘 | exceed 超过,胜过 | excel 优於,超过

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • The demand for fish this month exceeds the supply.
  • The driver exceeds the speed limit.
  • Their total grain output still exceeded that of the previous year.
用作动词 (v.)
  • My actual expenses always exceeded these figures.

    出自:E. Roosevelt
  • The membership..should not exceed nine.

    出自:M. Meyer
  • His gift..exceeded the weight limit by no more than a few ounces.

    出自:R. Bradbury
  • It was binding on drivers not to exceed such a speed.

    出自:E. F. Benson
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

exceed, excel, outdo, outstrip, surpass, transcend
  • 这组词的共同意思是“超过”。其区别在于:transcend原指超越世俗、物质世界等,暗示高高凌驾于一般事物之上; exceed指超出权利、权力的限度或管辖的范围,也指超出规定的时空范围,还指在大小、数量、程度上超过; excel指在成就或学识上胜过他人; outdo指有意打破先前的纪录或胜过前人; outstrip指在竞赛、竞争中超过对手; surpass指在质量上、气力上、速度上、技术上等超过对方。
    • ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的exeder;最初源自拉丁语的excedere:ex (出) + cedere (去,投降),意为出去投降。
    • 考研真题例句

    考研真题例句 OG 1.exceed

    It reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expenses have exceeded revenue.



    With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have grown to exceed 175,000.(由于没有天敌,又有大片绿色的郊区禁止捕猎,野生动物官员估计,新泽西鹿的数量已经超过17.5万只。)
    The goals of compliance should not be to reach the minimum requirements but to exceed them.(遵从性目标不应该是达到最低要求,而是超过最低要求。)
    Should load exceed the capacity of the system, messages will queue up irrespective of the maximum messages value.(如果负载超过了系统的容量,则不管最大消息的值是多少,消息都将排队等候。)
    Do not exceed 200 members (maximum).(不要超过200个成员(最大值)。)
    The work it represents should not exceed 18 months.(产品计划安排中出现的工作不应该超过18个月。)
    That's a real critical issue--what is the range of temperature or climate conditions to which we can adapt, and when do we exceed those?(那是一个真正关键的问题——我们可以适应的温度或气候条件的范围是什么,我们什么时候会超过这些范围?)
    If you exceed your credit limit, we have the right to suspend or cancel your account.(如果你超过了信贷限额,我们有权暂停或取消你的账户。)
    Some economists suggest that over the next seven years Turkey's growth will match or exceed that of any other big country except China and India.(一些经济学家表示,在未来七年内,除了印度和中国,土耳其的增长速度将会匹敌甚至超过其他任何一个大国。)
    It's very easy for people to exceed the standard of dietary recommendations given what the modern food supply is.(在现代食物供给下,人们很容易就超过了建议饮食的标准。)
    But nowadays they often exceed 10,000 words apiece.(但现如今每个方案所含单词超过10,000个。)
    exceed是什么意思 exceed在线翻译 exceed什么意思 exceed的意思 exceed的翻译 exceed的解释 exceed的发音 exceed的同义词