英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:18:40



英 [ˈedʒi]

美 [ˈɛdʒi]


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副词: edgily 比较级: edgier 最高级: edgiest 名词: edginess

  • 英英释义

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1. being in a tense state

Synonym: high-strunghighly strungjitteryjumpynervyoverstrungrestiveuptight

1. 紧张的;烦躁不安的;心神不宁的
If someone is edgy, they are nervous and anxious, and seem likely to lose control of themselves.

e.g. She was nervous and edgy, still chain-smoking.

1. 刀口锐利的:edging 边饰 | edgy 刀口锐利的 | edibility 适食性

2. 尖利的:edgy 刀口锐利的 | edgy 尖利的 | edgyhot-headedprecipitousredheadedsnappish 急躁的

3. edgy的近义词

3. 紧张的:grim 严酷的 | edgy 紧张的 | stray 偶遇的

4. 带棱的:edgingstone 磨边石 | edgy 带棱的 | edible 可食的

  • 经典引文

  • He'd been edgy during the conversation, as though expecting some awkward question.

    出自:I. Rankin
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Farmers themselves are edgy.(农民自己则相当前卫。)
After the recent unrest there is an edgy calm in the capital.(最近的骚乱之后,首都平静得令人不安。)
It's too sharp and edgy.(这样太尖锐。)
Don't imagine that picking an edgy look for your music player is self expression.(不要以为你为你的播放器挑选了一个前卫的外观就是表现自我。)
She recognized his intonation immediately — the edgy, intimate sound of obsession.(她立即意识到他的语调变得——尖利,那种由于迷恋发出的亲密的声音。)
The Angle of each haircut gives the wearer an edgy and sleek look depending on how dramatic it is.(每种波波头型角度的夸张程度,使持该发型的人有一种前卫和时尚的外观。)
But bankers are edgy.(但银行家们很急躁不安。)
Leslie Homan, designer and founder of Femme Metale Inc. of Corona, Calif., makes edgy rock-n-roll jewelry for women.(位于加州科罗娜的FemmeMetaleInc.的设计师兼创始人莱斯利·赫曼(LeslieHoman)制作面向女性的前卫摇滚首饰。)
She's been very edgy lately.(她近来一直烦躁不安。)
Kreuzberg, just to the west of where the wall stood, is both an ethnic trouble spot and an edgy hedonists' heaven.(柏林墙西边不远的Kreuzberg即是种族问题的焦点也是敏感的享乐主义者的天堂。)
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