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英 [ˈtʌtʃi]

美 [ˈtʌtʃi]


副词: touchily 比较级: touchier 最高级: touchiest 名词: touchiness

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. 易怒的;过于敏感的;暴躁的
If you describe someone as touchy, you mean that they are easily upset, offended, or irritated.

e.g. She is very touchy about her past...
e.g. Don't be so touchy.

2. 棘手的;难办的;需谨慎处理的
If you say that something is a touchy subject, you mean that it is a subject that needs to be dealt with carefully and in a sensitive way, because it might upset or offend people.

e.g. ...the touchy question of political reform.

1. 易怒的:易激動的excitable | 易怒的touchy | 急躁的irritable

2. 过敏的:touchwood 火绒 | touchy 过敏的 | tough 恶棍

3. touchy的翻译

3. 易怒的;棘手的:facile#灵巧的 | touchy#易怒的;棘手的 | ajar#微开的

4. 棘手,易怒,难以取悦:bespeak,订,显示,预约 | touchy,棘手,易怒,难以取悦 | legitimate,合法,合理,证明有理

  • 经典引文

  • My landlord's right touchy about receiving calls for me.

    出自:J. Barth
  • He was increasingly touchy about publicity.

    出自:M. Holroyd
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Mr Fryer now applies his supple mind to the touchy, tangled issue of racial inequality.(弗莱尔现将他的敏捷思维用来思考敏感复杂的种族问题上。)
I do not see why you are so touchy.(我不明白你为什么这么敏感。)
Then there are the really touchy-feely questions, seemingly plucked from a personality test.(所以就有了一些敏感的问题,就像是从人格测验里抽出来的。)
Sales tax is a touchy subject for Amazon.(交易税对于亚马逊来说是相当敏感的话题。)
Right now, we want to stay away from that because it's a very touchy subject.(现在,我们要远离这个,因为这是一个非常敏感的问题。)
On the other hand, we have the pragmatic, touchy feely, warm and fuzzy engineering types.(另一方面,我们有实用主义者、敏感的、热心的、温柔的工程类型。)
Why this revival of the memory of a proud, touchy man who became a national myth?(一个骄傲易怒的人成为一国传奇,为什么这样的记忆变得鲜活?)
Palin adopted a touchy-feely tone during the hour long interview. Photograph: Reuters.(在长达一小时的采访中,佩林表现地颇为煽情。)
But it is still a touchy issue.(但这仍然是一个敏感话题。)
It can be an extremely touchy subject, especially when there's not enough of it.(有时,它是个很棘手的问题,尤其是当它不太充裕时。)
touchy是什么意思 touchy在线翻译 touchy什么意思 touchy的意思 touchy的翻译 touchy的解释 touchy的发音 touchy的同义词