英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:21:23



英 [ˌeɪ'ti:nθ]

美 [eˈtinθ]


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1. position 18 in a countable series of things


1. coming next after the seventeenth in position

Synonym: 18th

1. 第十八
The eighteenth item in a series is the one that you count as number eighteen.


e.g. The siege is now in its eighteenth day.

1. eighteenth

1. 第十八:seventeenth第十七 | eighteenth第十八 | nineteenth第十九

2. 第十八的, 第十八个的; 十八分之一的 (形):eighteen 十八; 十八人; 十八个; 十八点 (名) | eighteenth 第十八的, 第十八个的; 十八分之一的 (形) | eighth note 八分音符

3. eighteenth是什么意思

3. 第十八,第十八个:seventeenth第十七,第十七个 | eighteenth第十八,第十八个 | nineteenth第十九,第十九个

4. eighteenth在线翻译

4. 第十八个:effort 努力;心力 | eighteenth 第十八个 | elder 年长的;长辈;年长者

  • 经典引文

  • In the eighteenth century, when logic and science were the fashion.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  • His eighteenth birthday and legal age for joining up.

    出自:W. Faulkner
It was built by Emperor Qian Long in the eighteenth century.(它是18世纪乾隆皇帝修建的。)
A portrait type that appeared with relentless frequency in eighteenth-century England is the familiar image of a gentleman poised with one hand inside his partially unbuttoned waistcoat.(18世纪英国出现频率极高的一种肖像类型,是人们熟悉的绅士单手插在部分没有扣子的马甲里的形象。)
One of them would be the eighteenth-century enlightenment.(其中一个就是18世纪的启蒙运动。)
It wasn't until the eighteenth century that the secret began to unravel.(直到18世纪,这个秘密才开始被揭开。)
We got engaged on my eighteenth birthday.(我们在我18岁生日那天订婚了。)
The strings are now metallic, but in the sixteenth, seventeenth to eighteenth century, they would have been made out of cat or sheep gut.(弦现在是金属的,但在十六、十七、到十八世纪,它们是用猫肠或羊肠制作的。)
This Passover was celebrated in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign.(这逾越节是约西亚作王十八年守的。)
Let's look at the comments that Dr. Johnson made about Milton's Lycidas in the eighteenth century.(让我们看看约翰逊博士在18世纪对弥尔顿的《利西达斯》所做的评论。)
However, toward the end of the eighteenth century, as British oak supplies grew scarce, shipbuilders there turned to teak and found in it an ideal substitute.(然而,到18世纪末,随着英国橡木供应的稀缺,那里的造船厂转向柚木,并在其中找到了理想的替代品。)
Is it the eighteenth century?(十八世纪吗?)
eighteenth是什么意思 eighteenth在线翻译 eighteenth什么意思 eighteenth的意思 eighteenth的翻译 eighteenth的解释 eighteenth的发音 eighteenth的同义词