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英 [ɪmˈpɪrɪkl]

美 [ɛmˈpɪrɪkəl]


副词: empirically

  • 详情解释

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  • 经验主义的
  • 经验的
  • 以经验为依据的,以实验为依据的,以实验为基础的,以观察或实验为依据的
  • 庸医的
  • 行之有效的
  • 仅凭观察的
  • [A]经验上的; 实验上的 based on observation or experiment, not on theory


1. derived from experiment and observation rather than theory

e.g. an empirical basis for an ethical theory
empirical laws
empirical data
an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known

Synonym: empiric

2. relying on medical quackery

e.g. empiric treatment

Synonym: empiric

1. 经验主义的;以经验为依据的
Empirical evidence or study relies on practical experience rather than theories.

e.g. There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.

...empirically based research.
They approached this part of their task empirically.

1. 以经验为根据的:因而,以往的研究中所采用的实地调查方法、解剖麻雀的方法、较为简单的统计分析方法、蹲点实验等方法应当属于客观的以实践为基础的或称之为以经验为根据的(empirical)方法,也可认为是实证研究方法.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The psychoanalysts have had no trouble in finding empirical confirmation for their theories.
  • A co-operative farming venture..left him with some empirical knowledge, but little understanding of horticultural principle.

    出自:J. Barnes
  • By setting out from and terminating in an appeal to the facts, any good aesthetic theory is, indeed, empirical in method.

    出自:M. H. Abrams
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 16世纪60年代进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的empiricus,意为有经历的。
But there didn't appear to be any empirical evidence for this.(但是,好像并没有什么经验上的证据可以证明。)
In other words, they provide hard evidence, resting on a solid empirical base.(换句话说,它依靠可靠经验主义基础,提供确凿的证据。)
The empirical evidence, such as it is, suggests an altogether different function for yawning—namely, that yawning prepares us for a change in activity level.(很多实验证据证实了打哈欠的另一个不同的功能,它能让我们做好准备,改变活动状态。)
There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.(没有实证根据来支持他的论点。)
So these empirical observations then are summarized into four laws.(这些经验性的观察,被总结成四条定律。)
This theory is backed by some empirical work.(这个原理有实证为支持。)
Clark refutes the extremes of the constructivists by both theoretical and empirical arguments.(克拉克以理论和经验的论据驳斥了建构主义者的极端观点。)
This empirical approach has narrowed the range of estimates in some areas.(这种经验分析方法缩小了估计的区间。)
However, the empirical facts suggest this risk is very low.(然而,经验表明这种风险非常低。)
His empirical work was novel and carefully executed.(他的实证工作新颖独特并且一丝不苟。)
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