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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:33:37
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elective system的意思

1. Analysts pointed out that guidance will be more important once the elective system is introduced.

1. Any university article, the science subjects named undergraduate course question, the article, the principle jointly manage question, elective system question, even as slightly temporarily saves school leader's question as the law branch, sets up as an attachment the middle school the question, all must pass through that to stick to the letter of the law pulls righteousness to consider.


2. A good Elective System category Yung very detailed, it is very suitable for beginners.

3. ABSTRACT:With the further innovation of teaching management system, especially the further use of credit hour and elective system, the daily management of teaching is becoming more and more complicated.
摘 要:随着教学体制的不断改革,尤其是学分制、选课制的展开和深入,教务日常管理工作日趋繁重、复杂。


4. With the further innovation of teaching management system, especially the further use of credit hour and elective system, the daily management of teaching is becoming more and more complicated.


5. Electrical towage automatic control system is an elective course of electrical engineering and automation.

6. The credit system of American universities/colleges is relatively perfect andtypical in the world Its characteristics are mainly the diversity of elective courses, flexibility of curriculum, GPA evaluation, instructive guidance given to students, acceptability of credit conversion and especially the professional training based on liberal arts/science What lessons the Chinese universities/colleges can absorb from those include how to help students make sure of the essence and purpose of higher education, providing more elective causes to students as possible, setting up a scientific evaluation system for the academic performance of every student, stepping up the effort to improve the tutoring system for graduate students, perfecting gradually the teaching administration to support the reform of credit system and reforming the credit authentication system

7. Student elective use of a database management system to achieve the design and implementation.

8. elective system是什么意思

8. Simple student elective system source code, for your reference.

9. elective system的反义词

9. This is a student elective course system, to achieve the course query, modify, delete functions.


10. This is achieved using JSP a student elective system, function quite well, relatively speaking.
详细说明:这是用JSP 实现的一个学生选课系统,功能相对来说还是相当完备。

11. This paper uses structured analysis method for system development, describes in detail the forestage and backstage development of a more powerful curriculum selection system of common elective, the operational processes and some key technologies.

12. METHODS: Between June and September 2003, patients with histopathologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and clinically staged N0 neck were eligible for our prospective study. After injection of Technetium 99m sulfur colloid in the circumference of the primary tumor under general anesthesia, detection and excisional biopsy of radiolabeled sentinel lymph nodes were performed with the aid of Navigator Gamma Guidance System (Auto Suture Co, Norwalk, Connecticut), the patients then received elective neck dissection. Subsequently, radiolabeled sentinel lymph nodes and the neck dissection specimens were sent separately for histopathological analysis.
自2003年6月至同年9月间,因口腔扁平上皮癌经理学检查及电脑断层扫描,临床诊断为N0的口腔癌病患,在接受全身麻醉下於肿瘤周围注射放射线鎝元素试剂(Technetium 99m sulfur colloid),藉由放射线导引定位系统Navigator Gamma Guidance system (Auto Suture Co,Norwalk,Connecticut)於施行肩胛舌骨上颈部廓清术前先定位取出前哨淋巴结,并将取出之前哨淋巴结与肩胛舌骨上颈部廓清术之检体分别送病理检查。

13. elective system的翻译

13. Elective regulation is the precondition and foundation of the credit system, and is also the elementary character in the teaching supervisal of the credit system.

14. elective system的翻译

14. Public elective system, to achieve a variety of functions to do simple grass can be achieved, query, input and other operations.

15. METHODS: One hundred thirty patients undergoing elective laparoscopic(n = 88) or plastic (n = 42) surgery were assigned a risk scorefor developing PONV based on the Apfel risk scoring system, which assigns one point each for female gender, nonsmoking status, history of PONV or motion sickness, and postoperative opioiduse.
130名拟行择期腹腔镜手术(n = 88)或整形手术(n = 42)的病人根据 Apfel 风险评分系统算出其发生 PONV 的风险分数。Apfel 风险评分系统给女性、不吸烟者、有 PONV 或晕动病史以及术后阿片类药物的使用四个危险因素各记一分。

16. elective system在线翻译

16. Summary Chooses the design that line up the lesson system function last, the student chooses to line up the lesson system cans is divided into the logging, row lesson with select elective courses 3 statures system.

17. In the paper, the study of configuration realization on the educational network administration and elective system software based on Client/Server and Browser/Server models is introduced from the viewpoint of development tools.

18. Educational administration system is the application software of teaching and teaching management in colleges and universities, among which elective system is one of the important subsystem.

19. Based on entire credit system, flexible educational system gathered all merits of elective system, tutorial system and grade point system, it is an elastic educational management system and talents nurturing mode.

20. There's a long road to establish the PE courses module system, graded teaching and flexible elective system.

The credit system which comes from the elective system has been widely adopted as an essential practice in reforming the teaching management in colleges in the world.(学分制肇始于选课制,是许多国家高校普遍实行的一种教学管理制度。)
Compared with traditional teaching pattern, elective system has more advantages, but there exist some problems in reality.(同传统教学模式相比,选听制教学具有较大的优越性,但在实际运行中还存在一些问题。)
Elective system can be installed on the campus of the existing network of servers, students in any school within networks of terminals on course to complete the task.(选课系统只需安装在现有校园网络的服务器上,学生在任何一台校园网内的终端上即可完成选课任务。)
Student elective course work system enables standardized, modular , systematic, can solve the imbalance of enrollment information, improve school of information processing speed.(学生选课系统能够使选课工作标准化,模块化、系统化,能够解决选课信息的紊乱性,提高学校对信息的处理速度。)
A good Elective System category Yung very detailed, it is very suitable for beginners.(一个很好的选课系统类容很详细,很适合初学者。)
Elective a simple system, the basic functions have been achieved!(一个简单的选课系统,基本功能都已实现!)
The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system, by which students were able to choose their own courses of study.(哈佛大学的校长率先推出选课制度,这样学生们就能选择自己的专业。主修领域的概念也出现了。)
There's a long road to establish the PE courses module system, graded teaching and flexible elective system.(体育课程模块设计、分级教学、弹性选修都有待建立和完善。)
Credits system is an advanced teaching administration system. The essence of credits system is "the system of elective course".(学分制是一种先进的教学管理制度,其核心是选课制。)
The elective system is the core of academic credit and the flexible system. only with full implementation of the elective system, we could better cultivate individual talents.(选课制是学分制与弹性学制的核心,只有充分实施选课制,才能更好地培养个性化人才。)
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