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英 [ɪmˈpaʊə(r)]

美 [ɛmˈpaʊɚ]


名词: empowerment 过去式: empowered 过去分词: empowered 现在分词: empowering 第三人称单数: empowers

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  • 授权
  • 使能够
  • 准许,允许
  • 有权
  • 奉...的命令
  • 增加自主权
  • 使控制局势
  • 委托


1. give or delegate power or authority to

e.g. She authorized her assistant to sign the papers

Synonym: authoriseauthorize

2. give qualities or abilities to

Synonym: endowinduegiftinvestendue

1. 授权;给予…权力
If someone is empowered to do something, they have the authority or power to do it.

e.g. The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis...
e.g. His position does not empower him to cite our views without consultation.

2. 给予…力量;使有能力(实现…)
To empower someone means to give them the means to achieve something, for example to become stronger or more successful.

e.g. Empowering the underprivileged lies in assuring them that education holds the real source of power...
e.g. What I'm trying to do is to empower people, to give them ways to help them get well.

1. empower

1. 赋予:英美两国的例子均显示,媒体素养教育的意涵从防疫性(inoculation)进展到批判自主性(critical autonomy),其目标从培养个人对媒体讯息的分辨与抵制能力(discriminate and resist)延伸到在媒体环伺生活中的释放(liberate)与赋予(empower)能力,一个具媒体素养的个人,

  • 经典引文

  • It did not secure the necessary two-thirds that would have empowered the WI executive to campaign actively for it.

    出自:City Limits
Empower users to create report formats.(给予用户创建报告格式的权限。)
Empower your users to find each other based on common interests.(让你的用户能够基于兴趣爱好找到好友。)
Empower: Empowering employees doesn't mean that you stop managing.(授权:赋予雇员权利不是说你不去管理了。)
He said microcredit has shown a way to empower women into entrepreneurship.(他说,微额贷款为妇女成为企业家提供了一条途径。)
Empower a governance body to manage the entire service life cycle.(授权治理组织管理整个服务生命周期。)
Empower yourself with knowledge.(用知识武装自己。)
We empower them with information then leave them to make their own decisions.(我们用信息为他们提供力量,然后让他们自己作出决定。)
If you empower women, they will space [the birth of their children] themselves.(如果赋予妇女权利,她们将会自己使[孩子的出生]出现间隔。)
Involve and empower employees - empower the team in the gemba.(关注员工并给予一定的权力——授权给在现场的团队。)
If your company has some "rock star" social media staff, how do you best empower them?(如果你的公司有一些“摇滚明星式的”社会传媒员工,你觉得如何授权最为合理?)
empower是什么意思 empower在线翻译 empower什么意思 empower的意思 empower的翻译 empower的解释 empower的发音 empower的同义词