英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:41:59



英 [ɪnˈgʌlf]

美 [ɛnˈɡʌlf]


名词: engulfment 过去式: engulfed 过去分词: engulfed 现在分词: engulfing 第三人称单数: engulfs

  • 详情解释

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  • 卷入,席卷,卷来,把...卷入旋涡
  • 吞没,淹没,吞噬
  • 包围,包住
  • 严重影响
  • 压倒
  • 笼罩
  • 使陷入(深渊),使深深卷入
  • 针对
  • 投入
  • 吸进
  • 吞食,狼吞虎咽
  • 使全神贯注


1. devote (oneself) fully to

e.g. He immersed himself into his studies

Synonym: steepimmerseplungeengrossabsorbsoak up

2. flow over or cover completely

e.g. The bright light engulfed him completely

1. (常指突然)吞没,吞噬
If one thing engulfs another, it completely covers or hides it, often in a sudden and unexpected way.

e.g. A seven-year-old boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed a block of flats...
e.g. The flat is engulfed in flames.

2. 使陷入(某种感觉或情绪)
If a feeling or emotion engulfs you, you are strongly affected by it.

e.g. ...the pain that engulfed him...
e.g. He looked around his dark, cluttered office and was engulfed by a feeling of emptiness.

1. 吞没:重新再去恐龙森林的山坡上找那个人要就好了,位置忘记的话可以把按J把该任务勾出来查看详细位置朱庇莱克斯(Juiblex)攻击选项 寓守于攻,精通拌摔,精通攫抓,碾压2d6+10加2d6酸伤害,腐蚀(dissolve),吞没(engulf)朱庇莱克斯的牧师可以访问混乱,

2. 吞噬:以收集其科学.技术.医学方面的情报为主,而另一个隶属于国家安全保障局(NSA)的研究中心现在正在筹设中. 这类科技蕴含的破坏力是相当大的,这种武器已在很多案例中被用在 改变气候模式,和 增进目前正吞噬(engulf)你们星球的振动改变上.

3. 吞没;席卷:gulf 海湾 | engulf 吞没;席卷 | noble 高贵的

4. 卷入:最年長: latest senior | 捲入: engulf | 謠言傳說: rumor

  • 经典引文

  • I was hurled into..the brown filth, which parted under my body to engulf me.

    出自:J. Kosinski
  • The waters of Santego Bay arose to engulf the town.

    出自:D. Bagley
  • The ancient deck chair..engulfed her like a hammock.

Do not let the floodwaters engulf me or the depths swallow me up or the pit close its mouth over me.(求你不容大水漫过我,不容深渊吞灭我,不容坑坎在我以上合口。)
Someday the euro debt crisis that started in Greece and spread to engulf Europe will be over.(总有一天,起自希腊、蔓延乃至吞噬欧洲的欧版债务危机会结束。)
Whilst there will still be incidents that cause damage and loss of life, it will not be allowed to engulf you.(虽然仍然会有生命和财产的损失,也不会影响你的意志。)
Consumer pleasures are transient. They engulf us for a short period and then they fade, like a drug.(消费快乐是短暂的,像麻醉剂一样,短时间内会吞没了我们,然后就很快消失了。)
Together with our friends and Allies, we will work to shape change, lest it engulf us.(我们将同盟友一起努力进行变革,以免被变革所吞没。)
I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me.(我到了深水中。大水漫过我身。)
As a result, some 5 billion years from now, the sun will engulf the inner planets, Mercury and Venus.(因此,大约在50亿年之后,太阳将会吞没近围的行星——水星和金星。)
The PAD was nurtured by the palace and now threatens to engulf it.(PAD被王室扶植,并且现在威胁着将其吞掉。)
It was only possible to detect the length of the Venusian day by radar as the clouds entirely engulf the surface.(这是只可能检测为云雷达对金星一天的长度完全吞噬的表面。)
The world suddenly freezes in time, leaving Yuji to watch in horror as blue flames engulf the people around him.(在世界突然凝固时间,离开井是蓝色的惊恐地看着大火吞噬周围的人。)
engulf是什么意思 engulf在线翻译 engulf什么意思 engulf的意思 engulf的翻译 engulf的解释 engulf的发音 engulf的同义词