英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈswɒləʊ]

美 [ˈswɑ:loʊ]



名词: swallower 过去式: swallowed 过去分词: swallowed 现在分词: swallowing 第三人称单数: swallows

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  • 一次吞咽之物,(一)咽,(一)吞,吞咽,一次吞咽之量,一口
  • 【鸟类】燕子,燕
  • 胃管,食道
  • 咽喉,喉咙,喉
  • 吸孔
  • 【海】通索孔
  • 忍受(侮辱),忍耐,忍气吞声
  • 吞(下),咽(下)
  • 吞并,侵吞
  • 轻信,轻易接受,相信,信以为真
  • 淹没,吞没
  • 耗尽,用尽
  • 囫囵吞枣地不加考虑
  • 收回(前言)
  • 压制,抑制
  • 取消(前言)
  • 花光
  • 不流露,掩饰
  • 做吞咽动作,咽口水
  • vt. & vi. 咽下 move (food or drink) down the throat from the mouth
  • vt. 使消失 take sb/sth into itself so that he/it can no longer be seen
  • vt. 容忍 accept patiently


1. the act of swallowing

e.g. one swallow of the liquid was enough
he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips

Synonym: drinkdeglutition

2. small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations

3. a small amount of liquid food

e.g. a sup of ale

Synonym: sup


1. believe or accept without questioning or challenge

e.g. Am I supposed to swallow that story?

2. tolerate or accommodate oneself to

e.g. I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions
I swallowed the insult
She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies

Synonym: acceptlive with

3. keep from expressing

e.g. I swallowed my anger and kept quiet

4. take back what one has said

e.g. He swallowed his words

Synonym: take backunsaywithdraw

5. utter indistinctly

e.g. She swallowed the last words of her speech

6. engulf and destroy

e.g. The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries

7. pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking

e.g. Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you!

Synonym: get down

8. enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing

e.g. The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter

Synonym: immerseswallow upburyeat up

1. 吞下;咽下
If you swallow something, you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach.

e.g. You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B...
你要服一粒维生素 B 胶囊。
e.g. Polly took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed.

2. (常因为紧张或恐惧而)做吞咽动作,咽口水
If you swallow, you make a movement in your throat as if you are swallowing something, often because you are nervous or frightened.

e.g. Nancy swallowed hard and shook her head.

3. 完全相信;信以为真
If someone swallows a story or a statement, they believe it completely.

e.g. It was vital that he swallowed the story about Juanita being in that motel room that night.
e.g. I too found this story a little hard to swallow.

4. 掩饰,抑制(感情)
If you swallow your feelings, you do not express them, although you want to very much.

e.g. Gordon has swallowed the anger he felt...
e.g. He flashed me a quick grin but rapidly swallowed it when he saw my expression.

5. 燕子
A swallow is a kind of small bird with pointed wings and a forked tail.

6. a bitter pill to swallow -> see pill
to swallow one's pride -> see pride

相关词组:swallow up


1. 吞咽:而依据常规的病历卡(format),病史应包括下列内容如水质的变化和环境改变的记录;表演日程最新变动;新来的动物,日常工作最近安排并要求特别训练;动物变动与相关的职员,鱼的供应变化或新上市的品种,接近玩具或微型道具(prop) 以致能吞咽(swallow)等坏习惯(vice

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    抑制,使不流露 control a feeling
    swallow sth ⇔ down

    Swallowing down his pride, he accepted the humble position offered him.


  • Chew well before swallowing.
  • His throat was so painful that he could hardly swallow.
  • Taking pills is easy,just put them in your mouths and swallow.
  • He swallowed in large draughts.
  • He swallowed hard and turned to face his accuser.
  • I find it a bit hard to swallow.
用作动词 (v.)
  • One swallow does not make a summer.

  • Methus..measures the honesty..of mankind by a capaciousness of their swallow.

    出自:Henry Fielding
  • He swallowed it in three gulps.

    出自:J. G. Cozzens
  • They made him swallow..the tablets.

    出自:E. Mittelholzer
  • He swallowed down the last of his coffee.

    出自:M. Lavin
  • Gas can be caused by..swallowing air with the food.

    出自:P. Quillin
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • swallow的基本意思是“咽下”,指“吃”这个过程的第二阶段——“咽”。即将口中食物通过咽喉直入食道。有时可指“快吃”,而不是把食物慢慢嚼碎。引申为“忍受”“不流露”。还可表示“吞没”“掩盖”“抓住”。
  • swallow在作“忍受”“抑制(情感)”解时,多指某人虽受痛苦与困难,但以某方式接受了令人烦恼、令人无法忍受的痛苦与经历。
  • swallow可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
swallow, consume, devour, eat, ingest
  • 这几个词的共同意思是“吃”。其区别在于:eat最常用,指放入口中经过咀嚼再吞咽下去的过程,对人或物都适用,引申指缓慢地逐渐腐蚀或消磨过程; consume指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等; devour强调狼吞虎咽地吃,引申指吞灭或毁灭; ingest是生理学用语,指咽下或吸收的过程; swallow指不经过充分咀嚼就囫囵吞入肚中,强调匆忙。例如:
  • The termites have eaten deep into the wood.白蚁已经把木头蛀得很深了。
  • The fire soon consumed the wooden building.大火不久就烧毁了这座木头建筑物。
  • He was devoured by hate.他满腔怨恨。
  • Twelve workers have ingested radioactive substances well above the permitted maximum.12名工人摄入体内的放射性物质已大大超过最大限度。
  • This drug can't be swallowed; it has to be injected.这药不能吞服,只能注射。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的swelgan,意为吞咽。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.swallow

    Swallow more than you can digest.



    I found her excuse very hard to swallow.(我觉得她的理由很难让人相信。)
    Chew your food well before you swallow it.(食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。)
    Sometimes he regurgitates the food we give him because he cannot swallow.(有时他会倒嚼我们喂给他吃的食物,因为他无法吞咽。)
    They swallow stones, stones that are used to help grind up the food before it's actually digested in the stomach.(它们吞下石头,在食物在胃里消化之前,这些石头被用来帮助磨碎食物。)
    After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow.(手术后你咀嚼和吞咽都会感到困难。)
    It is important to think about food as nourishment rather than just something to swallow.(重要的是,要把食物当作营养品,而不仅仅是要吞咽的东西。)
    He took the medicine at one swallow.(他一口把药吞了下去。)
    Last winter, Carol suddenly found it difficult to swallow.(去年冬天,卡罗突然发现自己很难咽下东西。)
    In speaking English do not swallow a single syllable, however short it may be.(讲英语时,哪怕是再短的音节也不能吞掉。)
    If you are chewing the food, then talk after you swallow it down.(如果你正在咀嚼食物,那么就等咽下食物后再开口说话。)
    swallow是什么意思 swallow在线翻译 swallow什么意思 swallow的意思 swallow的翻译 swallow的解释 swallow的发音 swallow的同义词