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更新时间:2025-03-17 11:02:59



英 [ɪ'rəʊʒn]

美 [ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n]


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形容词: erosional 副词: erosionally

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  • [U]腐蚀; 侵蚀; 磨损 process of destroying or wearing away gradually


1. erosion by chemical action

Synonym: corrosioncorroding

2. (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)

Synonym: erodingeating awaywearingwearing away

3. a gradual decline of something

e.g. after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors

4. condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind

1. (气候等的)侵蚀,腐蚀
Erosion is the gradual destruction and removal of rock or soil in a particular area by rivers, the sea, or the weather.

e.g. As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.
e.g. ...erosion of the river valleys.

2. (权威、权利、信心等的)逐渐丧失,削弱
The erosion of a person's authority, rights, or confidence is the gradual destruction or removal of them.

e.g. ...the erosion of confidence in world financial markets.
e.g. ...an erosion of presidential power.

3. (支持的)减少;(价值的)降低;(货币的)贬值
The erosion of support, values, or money is a gradual decrease in its level or standard.


e.g. ...the erosion of moral standards.
e.g. ...a dramatic erosion of support for the program.


1. 侵蚀:部分晕厥发作之前出现头晕、耳鸣、出汗、视力模糊、面色苍白、全身不适等前驱症状,此期称为前驱期. 发...冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块 破裂 (rupture) /侵蚀 (erosion) 继发完全/不完全闭塞性血栓形成 临床(一组)综合征 ...

2. 冲蚀:在对有轻微迫紧泄漏之阀,进行迫紧格兰(Packing Gland)之后,运转员试图操作C. 由节流闸阀所产生的扰流会导致对於阀座(Valve Seat)冲蚀(Erosion)损害. C. 半开的闸阀所生的扰流会导致阀座(Valve Seat)以及阀盘的过度磨损

3. erosion的意思

3. 浸蚀:又称浸蚀(Erosion).(Cavitation Erosion) 固体相对于液体运动时,由于液体中气泡在固体表面附近破裂时产生局部高冲击压力或局部高温引起的磨损. 又称气蚀(Cavitation)

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • Soil conservation is intended to curb erosion.
  • The president was facing a very significant erosion of public support.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • erosion的基本意思是指某物受酸、雨、风等“腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损”,用作比喻可指“威信日渐扫地”“势力日渐削弱”。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
  • ☆ 16世纪40年代进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的erosio,意为腐蚀。
Plant life balances ecosystems, protects watersheds, mitigates erosion, moderates climate and provides shelter for many animal species.(植物平衡了生态系统、保护了流域、减缓了侵蚀、缓和了气候,为许多动物物种提供了庇护所。)
Unfortunately, such estimates did not adequately account for past differences in rates of sedimentation or losses to the total section of strata during episodes of erosion.(不幸的是,这种估测没有充分考虑到过去在侵蚀期间沉积速率或地层总剖面损失的差异。)
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the entire site became covered with a layer of hard grey clay, which minimised further erosion.(在十七世纪和十八世纪,整个遗址被一层坚硬的灰色粘土覆盖,这极大减少了进一步的侵蚀。)
Attack by scavengers and bacteria, chemical decay, and destruction by erosion and other geologic agencies make the odds against preservation very high.(食腐动物和细菌的攻击、化学性腐烂,以及侵蚀和其他地质作用的破坏,导致无法保存的可能性非常大。)
The green ice portion was textured by seawater erosion.(绿色的冰部分被海水侵蚀,并形成纹理。)
In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.(相反,草和其他小植物的根可能有助于把松散的土壤碎片固定在一起,从而助于防止风的侵蚀。)
Because the Moon has no atmosphere, its surface is not subject to erosion, so it retains the marks of its early history.(由于月球没有大气层,它的表面不会受到侵蚀,所以它保留了早期历史的痕迹。)
In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation.(在这些不同的地区,Agassiz都能发现冰川侵蚀和沉降的痕迹。)
The clay deposits are scattered all over, in ancient volcanic surfaces and heavily cratered highland regions, some of which have apparently been exposed by erosion only recently.(粘土沉积分布在古代的火山表面和坑坑洼洼的高原地区,其中一些显然是最近才由于侵蚀而暴露出来的。)
The simulation takes no account of the effects of coastal erosion.(该模拟没有考虑海岸侵蚀的影响。)
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