英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]

美 [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]

adj.等价的 相等的


副词: equivalently

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  • 相等的
  • 相同的
  • 相当的
  • 同意义的
  • 等量的
  • 等体积的
  • 等价的
  • 等势的
  • 同等的
  • 【化】等价的
  • 等值的
  • 当量的
  • 【数】等价的
  • 等效的
  • 【物】等效的
  • 【数】等面积的
  • 相应的
  • 等量
  • 等价物
  • 同等物
  • 等量物
  • 等值物
  • 克当量
  • 同义字
  • 【化】【物】当量
  • 【数】等价
  • 等值
  • 相当物
  • 对应词句
  • 【化】当量
  • 【地】同期地层
  • 等价
  • 等于
  • 相等的东西
  • 对应词
  • 相同的,等值的 equal in value, amount, meaning, etc.


1. the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element
the standard is 8 for oxygen

Synonym: equivalent weightcombining weighteq

2. a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc

e.g. send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps


1. being essentially equal to something

e.g. it was as good as gold
a wish that was equivalent to a command
his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt

Synonym: tantamount(p)

1. 等同物;等值物;对应物
If one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same.


e.g. The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day...
e.g. Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years' salary for a government worker.

2. 相等物;对应物;对应者
The equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has the same function in a different place, time, or system.

e.g. ...the civil administrator of the West Bank and his equivalent in Gaza.
e.g. ...the Red Cross emblem, and its equivalent in Muslim countries, the Red Crescent.

3. (强调效果的强烈或严重)相当于…的事情
You can use equivalent to emphasize the great or severe effect of something.

e.g. His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fatal heart attack.

1. equivalent的意思

1. 等价的:」欧氏回答说:事实上,完备性有许多等价的 (equivalent) 说法,最常见而好用的说法如下:这些问题正是康特所要追寻的,由此导致集合论 (set theory) 的诞生.

2. equivalent是什么意思

2. equivalent:equiv; 相等的事物或数量

  • 情景对话

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文



A:Good afternoon. May I help you?

B:Yes. Could you change some RMB into American dollars for me?

A:Certainly, sir. How much would you like to change?

B:Ten thousand yuan, please. By the way, what is the exchange rate for American currency today?

A:According to the present rate, one US. Dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.6 Chinese yuan.

B:OK, here are the ten thousand yuan.

A:Would you please show me your passport?

B:Here you are.

A:Thank you. You'll have it right away. Will you please sign your name on this exchange memo? Here is your money. Please check it. Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America.

B:Thank you. What exactly should I do with the Foreign Exchange Certificates left with me?

A:You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station.

B:Thank you.

A:You are welcome.

  • I changed my dollars for the equivalent amount in pounds.
  • There is no exactly equivalent French tense to the present perfect tense in English.
  • The minstrel, or menestrier, became very early a word of abuse, equivalent to blackguard.

    出自:H. Adams
  • Speedboats and crystal chandeliers at prices equivalent to a lifetime's wages.

    出自:R. Owen
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • equivalent指在数量、价值、时间等方面“相同的”,常用于“be equivalent to sth/ v -ing”结构中。
equivalent, equal, identical, same
  • 这组词的共同意思是“同样的”。其区别是:
  • equal指两个或两个以上的事物有某些得以衡量的方面完全相同; same指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或根本上就是同一个人或同一个事物。例如:
  • Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same person.马克·吐温和塞缪尔·克莱门斯是同一个人。
  • We live under the same roof, and eat at the same table.我们同住一个房檐下,同在一张桌上吃饭。
  • equivalent指不同的事物在意义、重要性、效果等方面完全相同或完全相等。例如:
  • Silence is sometimes equivalent to a lie.不说话有时等于说谎话。
  • He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars.他把英镑换成等值的美元。
  • identical则指质量、形状、外观等所有细节上都绝对一致。例如:
  • These are identical prints made from a wood-block.这些是用一块木板印出来的完全相同的画。
    • ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自近代拉丁语的aequivalens,意为等价。
    • 考研真题例句

    考研真题例句 OG 1.equivalent

    It is deeply uncomfortable – it's the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones.



    It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost.(据预测相当于192个全职的工作将会丧失。)
    The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle.(头盔设计成能承受相当于从自行车上摔下来的力度。)
    It is deeply uncomfortable—it's the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones.(这让人非常不舒服——这在情感上相当于穿了一件满是石头的夹克。)
    Mr. Li's pay is the equivalent of about $80 a month.(李先生的报酬大约等于每月80美元。)
    The German 'Gymnasium' is the closest equivalent to the grammar school in England.(德语Gymnasium基本上相当于英格兰的文法学校。)
    Unfortunately, for maximum benefit, people would probably have to reduce their caloric intake by roughly thirty per cent, equivalent to dropping from 2,500 calories a day to 1,750.(遗憾的是,想要获得最大效益,人们可能不得不减少大约30%的热量摄入,相当于将每天摄入的2500卡路里降至1750卡路里。)
    Why mate with a second-class beau who cannot be bothered to bring you the fishy equivalent of roses and diamonds?(为何要和那些懒得为你献上玫瑰与钻石可疑的等价物的二等男友配对呢?)
    Watson makes the assumption that muscular activity is equivalent to thinking.(沃森假设,肌肉活动与思考等同。)
    There is one stubborn question for which archaeology has yet to provide any answers: how did the Lapita accomplish the ancient equivalent of a moon landing, many times over?(有一个考古学家还没有给出任何答案的棘手问题:拉皮塔人是如何在远古时代完成相当于现今多次登月一样的任务?)
    The chairs next sought women in business who had the equivalent of CEO experience.(董事会接下来寻找的是有类似CEO经验的商界女性。)
    equivalent是什么意思 equivalent在线翻译 equivalent什么意思 equivalent的意思 equivalent的翻译 equivalent的解释 equivalent的发音 equivalent的同义词