英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:49:34



英 [ˌju:kəˈlɪptəs]

美 [ˌjukəˈlɪptəs]


名词复数: eucalyptuses/eucalypti

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  • 桉树(尤产于澳大拉西亚)
  • 尤加利树 (尤产于澳大拉西亚)
  • 桉属植物
  • 桉属植物油


1. a tree of the genus Eucalyptus

Synonym: eucalypteucalyptus tree

2. wood of any of various eucalyptus trees valued as timber

1. 桉树(原产于加拿大)
A eucalyptus is an evergreen tree, originally from Australia, that is grown to provide wood, gum, and an oil that is used in medicines.

1. 桉树:例如罗素-克洛(RUSSELL CROWE)、凯特-布兰奇特(Cate Blanchett)、托妮-克莱特(Toni Collette)、希思-莱吉尔(Heath Ledger)、盖伊-皮尔斯(Guy Pearce)和杰弗里-拉什(Geoffrey Rush)等人纷纷盟生了回澳洲工作,促进祖国电影事业发展的愿望,罗素和杰弗里将联合出演一部低制作成本的影片<>(Eucalyptus),凯特-布

2. 尤加利:10YDS-118 迷迭香(Rosemary) 消除疲劳、使人精力充沛 预防皱纹、紧实肌肤 舒缓头痛、抗风湿、利尿 痛经、怀孕期间避免使用 ¥110YDS-119 尤加利(Eucalyptus) 使头脑清醒、集中记忆力 对脓疮炎症有显著功效 抗风湿、止痛、预防感冒 浓度高,

3. 尤加利精油:尤加利精油(Eucalyptus)简述:减轻腹部绞痛或生理痛,治疗气喘、咽喉痛,预防感冒,利退烧,缓解发炎症状,心绞痛、呼吸系统、糖尿病、风湿痛,降低血糖,治疗及预防肺部疾病(如支气管炎、结核病),利尿,抗感染,清除血液杂质并能改善日渐老化的肌肤.

Simmer until the liquid is reduced by one-fifth. Remove the licorice and eucalyptus leaves and discard.(慢火煮至液体量为原来五分之一,将甘草和桉树叶挑出。)
A eucalyptus tree in espirito Santo, on Brazil's coast, is ready in seven.(但是在巴西的海岸城市espiritoSanto里的一棵桉树只需生长7年就够了。)
A quick spray of lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, or lemon can clear your head quicker than you think.(薰衣草,桉树,迷迭香或者柠檬喷雾可以快速清醒你的头脑。)
It showed that tannins in E. citriodora leaf are of ellagitannins and the C-glycosidic ellagitannins are first isolated from Eucalyptus species.(结果表明,柠檬桉叶中的单宁是鞣花单宁,而C-糖苷鞣花单宁首先是从桉树中分离出来的。)
In dry northeastern Brazil, Australian eucalyptus covers more than 15, 000 square miles.(在干旱的巴西东北部,澳大利亚桉树覆盖了1.5万多平方英里的土地。)
The transdermal enhancing effect of 3% eucalyptus oil and 3% menthene was superior to that of 10% clove oil.(3%桉叶油和薄荷油对奥沙普秦渗透性的促进作用强于10%丁香油。)
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) and sage (Salvia officinalis) : Decongestant and antibacterial.(桉树(蓝桉)和鼠尾草解充血药、抗菌剂。)
She smelled eucalyptus.(她闻到了桉树油的味道。)
These vulnerabilities have been fixed by both Amazon and Eucalyptus before they could be exploited.(Amazon和Eucalyptus在这些漏洞被利用前对其进行了修复。)
My opinion of Eucalyptus is positive.(我对Eucalyptus的评价是积极的。)
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