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英 [ˌekwəˈnɪməti]

美 [ˌikwəˈnɪmɪti, ˌɛkwə-]


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  • 平静
  • 镇定
  • 镇静
  • 沉着
  • 冷静
  • 安宁
  • 平和
  • 宁静
  • 安之若素


1. steadiness of mind under stress

e.g. he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity

Synonym: composurecalmcalmness

1. 平静;镇定;坦然
Equanimity is a calm state of mind and attitude to life, so that you never lose your temper or become upset.

e.g. His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity...
e.g. The defeat was taken with equanimity by the leadership.

1. equanimity什么意思

1. 捨:我与柏克莱加大的赖文森(Robert Levenson)教授一起研究过每一种情绪引发的身体器官变化,例如愤怒与恐惧都会导致心跳加速及冒汗,但愤怒时手会变热,恐惧时则会变冷,这个皮肤温度的差异是有普遍性的. 」「你的意思是舍(equanimity)吗?」我引用佛教所指的均衡满足的心态.

2. 平靜:我们必须在自己的心中找寻到这四位善知识. 当我们发现自己心中缺少这些善知识,就该知道这是一种缺憾,我们要开始为它们的加入而努力. 关于悲心(compassion)、随喜(joy with others)与平静(equanimity),我会慢慢拾起对它们的记忆,尽请期待吧!

3. equanimity在线翻译

3. 平静,镇定:equality 平等,相等 | equanimity 平静,镇定 | equate 使乡等

4. equanimity的翻译

4. 沉着,镇静:Disposition:处理,天性气质 | Equanimity: 沉着,镇静 | Equality: 均匀,同等

  • 经典引文

  • I refused to be..impressed..but such equanimity was difficult to achieve.

    出自:V. Brittain
  • He faced adverse criticism with an equanimity which astonished me.

    出自:S. Spender
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

My soul sings a song because of exorbitant equanimity.(我的灵魂因过分的平静而唱歌。)
Who embodies divine attributes like love, compassion, goodness, truth, equanimity, peace of mind?(谁体现爱,同情,善良,真实,镇定,心灵的平静等神性?)
Equanimity means not wanting unpleasant sensations to cease and not wanting pleasant sensations to continue.(平等心是不企望不好的感受赶快消失,也不企望好的感受持续下去。)
He should be fearless bear his ineluctable fate with equanimity.(人应当无所畏惧,对不可避免的命运安之若泰。)
How slight a thing will disturb the equanimity of our frail minds!(要搅乱我们脆弱的心灵的安宁真是太容易了!)
In person, Reagan was a great deal like Obama, in his self-confidence and his equanimity under pressure.(做人方面,里根和奥巴马很像。他们都极其自信,在压力面前相当镇定。)
Sunday again equanimity early in the morning up.(周日又平静了一早上。)
Now I know that action reduces the lion of terror to an ant of equanimity.(现在我知道,行动会使猛狮般的恐惧,减缓为蚂蚁般的平静。我现在就付诸行动。)
She had recovered her equanimity, and tapped her neighbour with her wand and talked as usual.(她已经恢复了平静,拿柳条轻轻拍打和她并排的女孩子,照旧有说有笑的了。)
It's tricky to respond to this with equanimity.(要平静地对此作出回应需要一定技巧。)
equanimity是什么意思 equanimity在线翻译 equanimity什么意思 equanimity的意思 equanimity的翻译 equanimity的解释 equanimity的发音 equanimity的同义词