英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:52:40



英 [ˈekskəveɪt]

美 [ˈɛkskəˌvet]


过去式: excavated 过去分词: excavated 现在分词: excavating 第三人称单数: excavates

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  • 挖掘,挖出
  • (开)凿,凿通
  • 发掘
  • 掘开,掘出
  • 变成空洞
  • 挖(空),挖(洞)


1. remove the inner part or the core of

e.g. the mining company wants to excavate the hillside

Synonym: dighollow

2. form by hollowing

e.g. Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team
excavate a cavity

3. find by digging in the ground

e.g. I dug up an old box in the garden

Synonym: dig upturn up

4. recover through digging

e.g. Schliemann excavated Troy
excavate gold

Synonym: unearth

1. 发掘,挖掘(古物等)
When archaeologists or other people excavate a piece of land, they remove earth carefully from it and look for things such as pots, bones, or buildings which are buried there, in order to discover information about the past.


e.g. A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.

...the excavation of a bronze-age boat...
In time these new excavations will require conservation.

2. 挖;开凿
To excavate means to dig a hole in the ground, for example in order to build there.

e.g. A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.

Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.
...the excavation of canals.

1. 发掘:历史:明朝十三个皇帝的陵墓当中的只有定陵(Dingling)以被发掘(excavate). 它是第十个皇帝和他的两个皇后(empress)的陵墓. 1958年首先被发掘,六十年代开始供参观. 简介:定陵由五个殿(chamber)构成,全部为石制结构. 面积为1195平方米.

2. 挖出:一般不需要对整个井眼注入水泥,只要将井口装置(wellhead)挖出(excavate),套管割断,然后焊接(weld)一个封盖(cap)即可. 油井可以生产石油、天然气与石油或天然气. 天然气通常是石油生产的副产品(byproduct). 在井场(well site),

3. excavate

3. 挖掘:exasperate 激怒 | excavate 挖掘 | exceed 超过,胜过

4. 挖出,挖掘:exclude 排外,排斥 | excavate 挖出,挖掘 | exit 出口

  • 经典引文

  • The foot of the cliff is excavated into a cavern.

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Forensic experts said the number could rise even further as they continue to excavate the area.(法医专家说,这个数字会进一步上升。)
The trust is now seeking Lottery funding to excavate the remaining portion of the site and to recreate the playhouse in sight and sound.(信托基金目前正在计划发行彩票,以支助遗址余下部分的发掘,并从声、光方面进行重建。)
Begin to give your answer in the very first sentence so your grader doesn't have to excavate to unearth it.(开始在你的第一句话就给出答案吧,这样你的级长就不用费力寻找它了。)
The effect on the surroundings by using shield driving method to excavate is forecasted and controlled.(盾构法施工对环境影响的预测及控制方法研究。)
You might object that professionals excavate to acquire knowledge, not money.(你可能会反对专业人士为了获取知识去挖掘,而不是金钱。)
To win, a robot had to excavate 150kg (330lb) of simulated lunar soil and move it into a container in less than half an hour.(要赢得比赛,参赛机器人必须挖掘150千克(330磅)模拟月球土壤,并在半小时内装入一个容器。)
We excavate to find both literal and cultural treasures, digging mines and unearthing archaeological discoveries.(我们挖掘矿山和地下考古文物是为了寻找文学文化宝藏。)
The mining company wants to excavate the hillside.(矿业公司想开凿这个山坡。)
'They even excavate pools to ensure their brood doesn't dry out.'(它们甚至会挖掘池塘以确保自己的一窝卵不会干瘪。)
To create a one metre wide path you need to excavate a one metre wide trench.(要建一条一米宽的小路,你需要开凿一条一米宽的深沟。)
excavate是什么意思 excavate在线翻译 excavate什么意思 excavate的意思 excavate的翻译 excavate的解释 excavate的发音 excavate的同义词