英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 11:10:00



英 [ˈeksaɪz]

美 [ˈeksaɪz]




名词: excision 过去式: excised 过去分词: excised 现在分词: excising 第三人称单数: excises

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  • (国内)货物税
  • 执照税,领许可证税
  • (国内)消费税
  • 国产税务局
  • 国产税
  • 赋税
  • 割去,切除
  • 征税,向...征收国产税, 向…征收消费税
  • 删去,删除
  • 向...索取高价
  • 【动、植】在...上开槽
  • 切开,切离


1. a tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate)

Synonym: excise tax


1. remove by cutting

e.g. The surgeon excised the tumor

2. remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line

e.g. Please strike this remark from the record
scratch that remark

Synonym: strikescratchexpunge

3. levy an excise tax on

The noun is pronounced /'eksaɪz/. The verb is pronounced /ɪk'saɪz/. 名词读作 /'eksaɪz/。动词读作 /ɪk'saɪz/。

1. 国内货物税;消费税
Excise is a tax that the government of a country puts on particular goods, such as cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, which are produced for sale in its own country.

e.g. ...this year's rise in excise duties...
e.g. New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise.

2. 切除;删除;消除
If someone excises something, they remove it deliberately and completely.


e.g. ...a personal crusade to excise racist and sexist references in newspapers.
e.g. ...the question of permanently excising madness from the world.

The authors demanded excision of foreign words.

1. excise

1. 消费税:目前,我国在增值(value added tax)、消费税(excise)、营业税(sales tax)等方面实现了与内资税收法律制度的并轨,而在所得税上仍然采用双轨制. 1993年的第八届全国人民代表大会常委会第五次会议作出了<>,

2. 切除:另一个研究发现,进行切除(excise)子宫内膜异位损伤的患者,在二年内,有42%因为再度疼痛回来看诊. 而以烧蚀(ablate)治疗的患者,则有77%. 这看起来是切除(excise)比烧蚀(ablate)的效果佳,可以有较长久持续的疼痛缓解. 然而,

3. 切去,除去:exchange 交换 | excise 切去,除去 | excite 鼓舞,引起

4. 切除,切掉:concise 简洁的,简明的 | precise 精确的 | excise 切除,切掉

  • 经典引文

  • Guilty to..stealing an excise licence for a works truck.

    出自:Cornish Guardian
  • Marcion excised other portions of the Gospel which contradict his views.

    出自:H. R. Reynolds
Another popular target is excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco.(另一个流行的征税目标是消费税,酒和烟草税。)
The money for this exceptionally generous deal comes from excise-tax rebates.(这份异常慷慨的交易中的钱来自特许权税减免。)
No matter how much you cheat the IRS, you\'ll still end up paying $100, 000 in property, sales and excise taxes.(不论你怎么想方设法避税,你最少仍会交10万美元的财产税、销售税和特许权税。)
The doctor decided to excise a tumor from his brain.(医生决定切除他的大脑上的肿瘤。)
The first modification is to excise (delete) the contents of the Log object and Log contents.(第一个修改是要删除logObject的内容和logcontents部分的内容。)
If the budget is passed by the legislature, sugary drinks would be slapped with an extra penny-per-ounce excise tax.(若预算案得以通过,含糖饮料将面临每盎司1美分的额外征税。)
The second lever of change that Mr Orszag says is underappreciated is an excise tax introduced on the most expensive (or “Cadillac”) insurance plans.(奥尔斯扎克所说的未得到正确评价的第二个引起变化的方法就是对最昂贵的(或是“凯迪拉克”)保险计划征收消费税。)
Among expenditure taxes, a flat tax-rate on final goods is less distortive than a panoply of excise taxes since it affects spending decisions less.(对于支出税来说,对最终商品平均征税要比多次征收消费税更好,这是因为它对于消费决定的影响更小。)
We have conservatively estimated that a tripling of the excise tax worldwide would avoid over 115 million premature deaths by getting current smokers to quit.(据我们的保守估计,如果全球范围内烟草消费税按当前水平三倍征收,将促使吸烟者戒烟,进而避免1.15亿人过早死亡。)
Lebanon, for example, has cut fuel excise tax by over 1% of GDP.(例如,黎巴嫩已对燃油消费税进行了削减,降幅超过GDP的1%。)
excise是什么意思 excise在线翻译 excise什么意思 excise的意思 excise的翻译 excise的解释 excise的发音 excise的同义词