英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:54:10


英 [ɪk'sklu:sɪvlɪ]

美 [ɪkˈsklusɪvlɪ]


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  • 专门地
  • 排外地
  • 独占地
  • 专有地
  • 唯一地,独一无二地
  • 特定地
  • 完全地
  • 全部地
  • 纯粹地
  • 无一不是地
  • 排他地,指排外地,排斥地
  • 仅仅地


1. without any others being included or involved

e.g. was entirely to blame
a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children
he works for Mr. Smith exclusively
did it solely for money
the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone
a privilege granted only to him

Synonym: entirelysolelyaloneonly

1. 排他地;独占地;专有地;完全地
Exclusively is used to refer to situations or activities that involve only the thing or things mentioned, and nothing else.

e.g. ...an exclusively male domain...
e.g. Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture.

1. 专有地:根据美国税法,只有设立目的和运行目的都专有地(exclusively)符合<>501(c)(3)条款的非营利组织,才能享有免税资格. 为防止非营利组织的过度商业化,美国税法又特别创设了非关联性商业活动限制规则. 依照<>的定义,

2. 独占地;唯一地:endow 天生具有,赋予 | exclusively 独占地;唯一地 | descend 由......传下来


3. 独享的:15.miniature 雏形的,小型的(02-6) | 16.exclusively 独享的(02-6) | 17.bounced 蹦跳,反弹(02-12)

4. 排外地:exclusive 排外的 | exclusively 排外地 | exclusivism 排外主义

Today I will restrict myself exclusively to spheres.(今天,我将,只研究球体。)
If you don't want to date exclusively, we're done.(如果你不愿意单独约会,我们就吹了吧。)
He paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown.(他画画几乎只用包含灰色和土褐色的色调。)
He snorted, and during the rest of that weary trudge addressed his remarks exclusively to Mole.(他嗤了一声,在这趟令人筋疲力尽的长途跋涉的剩余路程里,他只对鼹鼠莫尔一个人说话。)
The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.(摆在议会面前的提案包括建立两个特殊法庭专门审理暴力犯罪案件。)
Her agreement with McDonald's required that she sell exclusively to the company.(她与麦当劳的协议要求她只能向该公司出售商品。)
When that happens, many trees like walnuts, oaks and pines, rely exclusively on so-called "scatter hoarders", such as birds, to move their seeds to new localities.(当这种情况发生时,许多树,如核桃、橡树和松树,完全依靠所谓的“分散贮藏者”,如鸟类,将它们的种子转移到新的地方。)
The Ediacara fossil formation, which contains the oldest known animal fossils, consists exclusively of soft-bodied forms.(包含已知最古老的动物化石的埃迪卡拉化石组,只含有软体动物。)
Uses exclusively free software.(只使用免费软件。)
Randolph's work was exclusively concerned with the effects of pollution on health.(伦道夫的作品全部讲的是污染对健康的影响。)
exclusively是什么意思 exclusively在线翻译 exclusively什么意思 exclusively的意思 exclusively的翻译 exclusively的解释 exclusively的发音 exclusively的同义词