英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:56:11



英 [ɪkˈspænsɪv]

美 [ɪkˈspænsɪv]


副词: expansively 名词: expansiveness

  • 详情解释

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  • 辽阔的,广阔的
  • 广泛的
  • 豪爽的
  • 坦率的
  • 健谈的,友善健谈的,开朗的,滔滔不绝的
  • 浩瀚的
  • 扩张的,易扩张的
  • 膨胀的,膨胀性的
  • 胸襟开阔的,豁达的
  • 全面的
  • 豪华的
  • 【心】自大狂的


1. friendly and open and willing to talk

e.g. wine made the guest expansive

Synonym: talkative

2. marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur

3. able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion

e.g. Expansive materials
the expansive force of fire

4. of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope

e.g. an expansive lifestyle
in the grand manner
collecting on a grand scale
heroic undertakings

Synonym: grandheroic

1. 广袤的;辽阔的;全面的
If something is expansive, it covers or includes a large area or many things.

e.g. ...an expansive grassy play area...
e.g. They have played an expansive style of rugby.

2. 豪爽的;开朗的;健谈的
If you are expansive, you talk a lot, or are friendly or generous, because you are feeling happy and relaxed.


e.g. He was becoming more expansive as he relaxed...
e.g. The premier was in expansive mood.

'I'm here to make them feel good,' he says expansively.

3. 扩张的;发展的
If you describe something such as a period of time or an economy as expansive, you mean that it is associated with growth or expansion.

e.g. An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.

1. 易膨胀的:expansionist 扩张主义者 | expansive 易膨胀的 | expansively 可扩张地

2. 易扩张的:18. expensive 昂贵的 | expansive 易扩张的 | extensive 广阔的

3. 广阔的,豪爽的,豪华的:Pedantic 书生气的,学究气的 | Expansive 广阔的,豪爽的,豪华的 | Aluminous 明矾的,铝的

4. 易膨胀的,易扩张的:Metals expand with heat. 金属遇热就要膨胀. | expansive 易膨胀的,易扩张的 | an expansive land 一块不断扩大的土地

  • 经典引文

  • The human spirit is expansive; the urge to colonize new environments lies deep within many of us.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The spectra show that the stars must have swallowed such planets during their expansive, red-giant stage.(光谱显示,这些恒星在膨胀的红巨星阶段肯定曾经吞没过这些行星。)
A scroll so wide might not be deemed too expansive for Providence to write a people's doom upon.(对于上苍来说,在这样广漠的轴卷上写下对一个民族的判决,恐怕也不能算太大。)
My father seemed in an expansive mood as we walked home from church together.(在我们从教堂回家的途中,父亲的心情似乎格外不错。)
60 and above - Highly Expansive.(60分及以上——高度膨胀的。)
The doors opened to an expansive office overlooking the Hollywood hills.(门打开了,办公室很大,俯瞰着好莱坞山。)
The Archangels who guard the way are holding this expansive Portal of Light open for you.(守护此门的大天使正为你打开着这宽阔的光之入口。)
This, of course, is due in large part to the state's expansive and polluting industry.(当然,只取决于该州膨胀的高污染企业。)
McDonald’s created an expansive morning menu and sold high-end coffee at low prices.(麦当劳提供了一个目录广泛的早餐菜单,以较低的价格出售高端咖啡。)
The search for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed of examining a message in terms of who said it, when it occurred, the related conditions or situation, and how it was said.(寻找一个更广阔的意义观点,可以发展信息检查,包括话题由谁说的,什么时候发生,相关的条件或情况,以及如何说。)
It comes from a country, the United Kingdom, which was quite an expansive, trading, colonial power in the past and all these have brought all sorts of other new words into the language.(它来自一个英国这个国家,它在过去是一个十分具有扩张性的、贸易和殖民大国,所有这些给英语注入了各种各样的新鲜词汇。)
expansive是什么意思 expansive在线翻译 expansive什么意思 expansive的意思 expansive的翻译 expansive的解释 expansive的发音 expansive的同义词