英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈfæsaɪl]

美 [ˈfæsl]


副词: facilely 名词: facileness

  • 详情解释

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  • 流畅的,熟练的
  • 易做到的
  • 易使用的
  • 温和的
  • 容易的,轻易可得的,得来容易的,轻而易举的
  • 灵巧的,机敏的,轻快的,轻便的
  • 轻率作出的,不动脑筋的
  • 易亲近的,易打交道的,随和的
  • 容易达到的但无价值的
  • 能说会道的
  • 无意义的(贬义)
  • 肤浅的


1. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

e.g. able to dazzle with his facile tongue
silver speech

Synonym: eloquentfluentsilversilver-tonguedsmooth-spoken

2. performing adroitly and without effort

e.g. a facile hand

3. arrived at without due care or effort
lacking depth

e.g. too facile a solution for so complex a problem

1. (主张、建议)肤浅的,粗浅的,轻率的
If you describe someone's arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking.


e.g. The subject of racism is admittedly too complex for facile summarization.

1. facile什么意思

1. 容易的,流畅的:25 remiss 疏忽的 | 26 facile 容易的,流畅的 | 27 intangible 无形的

2. facile的反义词

2. 青而易举的,随和的:efficient 有能力,有效的 | facile 青而易举的,随和的 | facilitate 使容易

3. 容易的:retaliation 报复 | facile 容易的 | tactile触觉的

4. 温和的:facies 面容 | facile 温和的 | facilely 轻易地

  • 经典引文

  • All other acts of piety will be facile and easy to him.

    出自:W. Beveridge
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A facile slogan devised by politicians.(历年口号一览。)
O.K., it's a little facile. But what I'm trying to do here is spin the cliche, not fall back on it.(这没什么,我这么说确实有点肤浅,但是我正尝试做的事情不是重述陈词滥调,而是将其翻新。)
Mr. McCarthy carefully builds this dialectic only to let us down with a stylistically dazzling but facile conclusion.(麦卡锡先生小心翼翼地构建着这种辩证对立,只是让我们放下其行文上的眩彩,而抓住其显而易见的重要结论。)
This study develops a facile and accurate approach towards detection of melamine utilizing gold nanoparticles and a dual color and precipitation test.(这项研究运用金纳米粒子以及一种双色沉淀测试,开发出一种既简便又精确的检测三聚氰胺的方法。)
"It's got a GPS receiver," is the facile answer.(“它有一个GPS接收器”这是不假思索就可以得到的回答。)
But this analogy is a facile one, and may well yield disappointment in the months and years to come.(但是这种类比过于简单,可能会在将来的日子里遭遇挫折。)
She is a facile speaker.(她是个能说会道的人。)
Weep yet not, friends, as I finally feel facile myself.(别哭,朋友们,我终于如释重负。)
That was a facile victory.(那是一次很容易得到的胜利。)
So the method was a simple, facile, and effective non surgical therapy for xanthoma palpebrarum.(本方法治疗睑黄色瘤方便、简单,是一种疗效好的非手术疗法。)
facile是什么意思 facile在线翻译 facile什么意思 facile的意思 facile的翻译 facile的解释 facile的发音 facile的同义词