英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [fæt]

美 [fæt]




副词: fatly 比较级: fatter 最高级: fattest 名词: fatness 过去式: fatted 过去分词: fatted 现在分词: fatting 第三人称单数: fats

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  • 肥胖的
  • 多脂肪的
  • 肥的
  • 迟钝的
  • 肥沃的
  • 厚的
  • 大量的
  • 丰满的
  • 收益多的
  • 优厚的
  • 圆润的
  • 养肥了的
  • 含沥青的
  • 树脂多的
  • 黏性好的
  • 有利的
  • 富裕的
  • 兴旺的
  • 浓郁的
  • 【印】粗笔画的
  • 脂肪
  • 肥肉
  • 油脂
  • 脂肪(质)
  • 最好部分
  • 优厚的工作
  • 【戏】要角
  • 养肥可供销售的食用动物
  • 树脂多的树
  • 动植物油
  • 食用油油菜
  • 多余额
  • 多余(物)
  • 过剩(品)
  • 脂(肪)
  • =File Allocation Table 【计】档案配置表文件分配表
  • 养肥
  • 用油脂处理(皮革)
  • 在…加入脂肪
  • 长胖
  • 长肥
  • 使变胖
  • 多脂肪的,肥胖的 with a lot of flesh
  • 丰富的,大量的 large in quantity
  • [U][C]脂肪,油脂 animal or vegetable oil that you use for cooking
  • [U]肥肉 oily part of meat or flesh


1. excess bodily weight

e.g. she disliked fatness in herself as well as in others

Synonym: fatnessblubberavoirdupois

2. a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy
it also cushions and insulates vital organs

e.g. fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold

Synonym: adipose tissuefatty tissue

3. a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides)

e.g. pizza has too much fat


1. make fat or plump

e.g. We will plump out that poor starving child

Synonym: fattenflesh outfill outplumpplump outfatten outfatten up


1. having an (over)abundance of flesh

e.g. he hadn't remembered how fat she was

2. containing or composed of fat

e.g. fatty food
fat tissue

Synonym: fatty

3. marked by great fruitfulness

e.g. fertile farmland
a fat land
a productive vineyard
rich soil

Synonym: fertileproductiverich

4. lucrative

e.g. a juicy contract
a nice fat job

Synonym: juicy

5. having a relatively large diameter

e.g. a fat rope

1. (人或动物)肥胖的,肥的
If you say that a person or animal is fat, you mean that they have a lot of flesh on their body and that they weigh too much. You usually use the word fat when you think that this is a bad thing.

e.g. I could eat what I liked without getting fat...
e.g. After five minutes, the fat woman in the seat in front of me was asleep.

No one knows whether a child's tendency towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.
没人知道儿童的发胖倾向是遗传还是食物造成的。If you describe someone as fat, you are speaking in a very direct way, and this may be considered rude. If you want to say more politely that someone is rather fat, it is better to describe them as plump, or more informally, as chubby. Overweight and obese are used to describe someone who may have health problems because of their size or weight. Obese is also a medical term used to describe someone who is extremely fat or overweight. In general you should avoid using any of these words in the presence of the person you are describing.
用 fat 来形容某人肥胖过于直接,而且有可能会被认为没有礼貌。表达此意更礼貌的说法是 plump 或 chubby,其中 chubby更口语化。形容某人因块头过大或体重过重而出现健康问题时用 overweight 和 obese。obese 还是医学术语,用以形容某人极度肥胖或过重。一般说来,这些词都应该避免当面使用。

2. (动物或人的)肥肉,脂肪
Fat is the extra flesh that animals and humans have under their skin, which is used to store energy and to help keep them warm.


e.g. Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.

3. (烹饪用的)动植物油
Fat is a solid or liquid substance obtained from animals or vegetables, which is used in cooking.

e.g. When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.
e.g. ...vegetable fats, such as coconut oil and palm oil.

4. (食物中的)脂肪
Fat is a substance contained in foods such as meat, cheese, and butter which forms an energy store in your body.

e.g. An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats...
e.g. Most low-fat yogurts are about 40 calories per 100g.

5. (尤指书)厚的,宽的
A fat object, especially a book, is very thick or wide.

e.g. ...'Europe in Figures', a fat book published on September 22nd...
9 月 22 日出版的大部头书《数说欧洲》
e.g. He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes.

6. (利润或费用)巨大的,丰厚的
A fat profit or fee is a large one.

e.g. They are set to make a big fat profit.

7. 可能性不大;无甚可能
If you say that there is fat chance of something happening, you mean that you do not believe that it will happen.


e.g. 'Would your car be easy to steal?' — 'Fat chance. I've got a device that shuts down the gas and ignition.'

8. (靠…)发财,致富,大发横财,肥起来
If you say that a person or organization has grown fat on something, you mean that they have become very rich as a result of it.

e.g. Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade.

9. 无济于事;于事无补;毫无用处
If you say that something is a fat lot of good or a fat lot of help, you are saying rudely that it is no good or no help at all.

e.g. 'I think we should go in and hammer them.' — 'And a fat lot of good that would do us.'

1. fat

1. 脂肪:天然燕窝,含水分10.40%,含氮(nitrogen)物质57.40%, 脂肪(fat)微量,无氮提出物22.00%,纤维(fiber)1.40%,灰分(ash) 8.70%. 去净毛的燕窝,其灰分为2.52%,可完全溶解于盐酸,内有磷0.035%,硫1.10%;燕窝水解,得还元糖至少17.36%(以葡萄糖计

2. fat:fluorescet antibody technique; 荧光抗体技术

3. fat:file assign table; 文件分配表


4. fat:fault tree theory; 故障树

5. fat

5. fat:factory acceptance testing; 工厂验收试验

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    很少,几乎不 very little

1. a fat lot of : 不, 毫不;

  • She has a fat son.
  • That fat job pays well.
  • He is very happy to have got the fat job.
  • The gambler took out a fat wallet.
  • He gave me a nice fat cheque.
  • The lady took out a fat purse from her handbag.
  • Everything grows in this fat soil.
  • If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat.
  • You've got a little fatter than I saw you last.
  • You'll get even fatter if you eat all those cream cakes.
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作名词 (n.)
  • Ma was heavy, but not fat; thick with child-bearing and work.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.

    出自:Merchant of Venice,Shakespeare
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • fat的基本意思是指人或动物的身体肥胖,指婴孩时有褒义,指成人时有贬义。引申指“丰富的,大量的”。
  • fat还可引申表示“充实的”“待遇优厚的”“肥沃富饶的”。
  • fat可用作定语,也可用作表语。
  • fat有比较级和最高级形式。
  • fat作名词时的基本意思是“动物与人体内的脂肪”; 也可作“(食用的)动植物的油”解,此时是可数名词; 还可作“脂肪”解,此时是不可数名词。
fat, buxom, chubby, portly, plump, stout
  • 这组词的共同意思是“肉多的,分量重的”。其区别是:
  • 1.fat用得最普通,也最直接了当,它可以用来修饰人或事物。修饰人时,意为“肥胖的”。例如:
  • Sitting beside her was a young man who already looked slightly fat.坐在她旁边的是一位看起来略微发胖的女人。
  • 2.stout着重于“硕大与粗肥”,有时所含“结实”的意思更超过“肥硕”的意思。它经常被用作“too fat”的委婉语。例如:
  • He is a man of stout build.他是一位高大结实的男人。
  • 3.portly的意思与stout相似,但比较庄严。它与stout一样,常用来指上了年纪的人。例如:
  • The retired general is a portly old man.这位退休的将军现在成了一位体态臃肿的老人。
  • 4.plump意为“丰满的”,具有褒奖,赞赏之意,常用来指成熟女性吸引人的体型。例如:
  • That lady has a plump figure.那位妇人身体丰满。
  • 5.buxom也是“丰满的”意思。它与plump都常被用作fat的委婉语, buxom一般只用来指女性,尤其是指乳房大、性感的女性。例如:
  • Jane is a buxom blonde.简是一个性感女孩。
  • 6.chubby用于指婴孩、儿童,含有胖得好看或可爱的含义。
    • 中考真题例句

    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    中考真题例句 OG 1.fat

    I have very thick fat, so I can keep myself warm.



    中考真题例句 OG 2.fat

    The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will have on your body at night.



    中考真题例句 OG 3.fat

    The rabbit was so fat that it couldn't go through the hole.



    高考真题例句 OG 1.fat

    When combined with berries of slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat "ice cream".

    当与浆果和其他水果切片结合时, 冷冻香蕉是制作醇厚、冰凉的水果奶昔和低脂"冰淇淋"的绝佳基础。


    高考真题例句 OG 1.fat

    Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat.



    考研真题例句 OG 1.fat

    For women, the association may be attributable to changes in immunity that resulted from excess abdominal fat.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.fat

    Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat.



    考研真题例句 OG 3.fat

    Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a normal BMI.



    考研真题例句 OG 1.fat

    Bankers' fat pay packets have attracted much criticism.



    This ham has too much fat on it.(这块火腿肥肉太多。)
    She was rather fat, and her complexion was spotty.(她相当胖,脸上有斑。)
    The 16-pound feline is so fat she can hardly walk.(这只16磅重的猫因太胖而几乎无法走路。)
    Does this dress make me look fat?(我穿这连衣裙显胖吗?)
    Excess food is stored as fat.(多余的食物作为脂肪贮存起来。)
    I'm tall and thin and he's short and fat.(我又高又瘦,他又矮又胖。)
    His big fat belly overhung his belt.(他那硕大肥胖的肚子挺在腰带上面。)
    The doctor told me (that) I should eat less fat.(医生嘱咐我要少吃油腻。)
    I could eat what I liked without getting fat.(我可以吃我喜欢的东西而不发胖。)
    The manager was fat and jolly.(经理胖乎乎乐呵呵的。)
    fat是什么意思 fat在线翻译 fat什么意思 fat的意思 fat的翻译 fat的解释 fat的发音 fat的同义词