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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:09:17



英 [ˈfeləni]

美 [ˈfɛləni]


名词复数: felonies

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1. a serious crime (such as murder or arson)

1. 重罪
In countries where the legal system distinguishes between very serious crimes and less serious ones, a felony is a very serious crime such as armed robbery.

e.g. He pleaded guilty to six felonies.
他承认犯有 6 项重罪。

1. 刑事重罪:卡森夫妇于2009年4月9日上午以刑事重罪(felony)双双被拘,目前处于取保候审阶段. <>记者电话联系到取保候审的卡森本人,他对美国司法部的指控全部予以否认,称685万美元的贿金并不是他指示做的. 他说美国联邦调查局(FBI)曾对他进行测谎,

2. felony

2. 重刑罪:重刑罪(felony)一般上是無法消去的,如是輕刑罪(misdemeanor)則要根據所判的刑而定,一般說來要在完成所有刑法后才有資格申請消除紀錄因此是因人因刑而定.

3. felony什么意思

3. 刑事重罪 刑事重罪:falsification of evidence 伪造证据 伪造证据 | felony 刑事重罪 刑事重罪 | fencing 买卖赃物 买卖赃物

He is the highest ranking White House official convicted of felony in years.(他是现白宫高级官员这些年被判重刑最严重的人员。)
Now Mayweather is also dealing with a multiple felony domestic violence charges in Las Vegas for an incident over the summer.(整个夏天,梅威瑟都在拉斯维加斯处理多个重罪家庭暴力指控。)
In particular, the Commercial Felony Streaming Act targets websites like YouTube that broadcasters believe are threatening their livelihoods.(特别是,《商业串流重罪法》将广播公司相信正在威胁着他们的生计的像优酷一样的网站作为目标。)
MySpace sued, and in January 2007 Kamkar pleaded guilty to a single felony count. He was sentenced to three years probation and 90 days of community service.(2007年1月,MySpace起诉Kamkar,后者以重罪被判处3年缓刑和90天的社区服务。)
A few months later came another arrest for felony drug possession.(几个月之后他又被判以涉毒被捕。)
Investigators followed the trail of unique disc identifiers called watermarks and convicted two men of felony copyright infringement.(调查人员通过独特的影碟水印标识进行了追查,并宣判两人因侵犯版权获重罪。)
Generally an intent to kill is not necessary for felony-murder.(一般来说,谋杀企图在重罪-谋杀规则中不是必须的。)
Prosecutors charged Waldroup with the felony murder of Bradshaw, which carries the death penalty, and attempted first-degree murder of his wife.(公诉人指控沃尔德·鲁普,犯有谋杀布拉德肖的严重罪行,足以判死刑,以及企图谋杀他的妻子的一级谋杀罪。)
Koch’s refinery unit pleaded guilty in 2001 to a federal felony charge of lying to regulators and paid $20 million in fines and penalties.(科赫公司的提纯公司于2001年因欺骗监管者被判有联邦刑事重罪,并支付了2000万美元罚款罚金。)
This is known as the merger doctrine, which holds that if the underlying felony merges with the killing, the felony cannot constitute felony-murder.(这被称之为合并原则,该原则认为如果潜在的重罪和杀人罪行合并,则该重罪不能构成重罪-谋杀。)
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