英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈfʌŋkʃn]

美 [ˈfʌŋkʃən]



形容词: functionless 过去式: functioned 过去分词: functioned 现在分词: functioning 第三人称单数: functions

  • 详情解释

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  • 职务
  • 盛大的集会
  • 【数】函数
  • 职责
  • 功能
  • 作用
  • 宴会
  • 机能
  • 社交集会
  • 官能
  • 庆祝仪式
  • 集会
  • 【数】函数
  • 与其他因素有密切关系的事
  • 联欢
  • 大宴会
  • 场合
  • 运转
  • 运行
  • 起作用
  • 工作
  • 行使职责
  • 发挥作用
  • 开下去
  • 办公
  • 顶用
  • 有效地进行
  • 尽职责
  • 有效用
  • 正常工作
  • 起…作用
  • 具有…功能
  • 活动
  • 起作用发挥机能
  • 为…尽职
  • 担任工作(as)
  • [C][U]功能; 作用; 职责 a natural or usual duty of a person or purpose of a thing
  • [C]函数; 与另一事物有密切关系的事物 a value which varies as another value varies; a quality or fact which depends on and varies with another
  • [C]社交集会 a public ceremony
  • vi. 工作,运行,起作用 work, operate


1. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group

e.g. the function of a teacher
the government must do its part
play its role

Synonym: officepartrole

2. what something is used for

e.g. the function of an auger is to bore holes
ballet is beautiful but what use is it?

Synonym: purposeroleuse

3. a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program

Synonym: routinesubroutinesubprogramprocedure

4. a vaguely specified social event

e.g. the party was quite an affair
an occasion arranged to honor the president
a seemingly endless round of social functions

Synonym: affairoccasionsocial occasionsocial function

5. a formal or official social gathering or ceremony

e.g. it was a black-tie function

6. a relation such that one thing is dependent on another

e.g. height is a function of age
price is a function of supply and demand

7. (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)

Synonym: mathematical functionsingle-valued functionmapmapping



1. perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function

e.g. His wife officiated as his private secretary

Synonym: officiate

2. perform as expected when applied

e.g. The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in
Does this old car still run well?
This old radio doesn't work anymore

Synonym: workoperategorun

3. serve a purpose, role, or function

e.g. The tree stump serves as a table
The female students served as a control group
This table would serve very well
His freedom served him well
The table functions as a desk

Synonym: serve

1. 功能;作用;职责
The function of something or someone is the useful thing that they do or are intended to do.

e.g. The main function of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.

2. 工作;运转;运行
If a machine or system is functioning, it is working or operating.

e.g. The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally...
e.g. Conservation programs cannot function without local support.

3. 发挥功能;起作用;行使职责
If someone or something functions as a particular thing, they do the work or fulfil the purpose of that thing.


e.g. On weekdays, one third of the room functions as workspace.

4. (计算机的)功能(指执行的一系列操作)
A function is a series of operations that a computer performs, for example when a single key or a combination of keys is pressed.

5. 应变量;随他物变化而变化的事物
If you say that one thing is a function of another, you mean that its amount or nature depends on the other thing.

e.g. Investment is a function of the interest rate.

6. (正式的)宴会,大型聚会
A function is a large formal dinner or party.

1. 功能;用途:同时执行好几个任务(task)便可完成一个基本的功能用途(function好几个功用同时运作便可以完成更复杂的功用(function直到最后完成整个应用(application).


2. function:functionname; 函数格式

3. function:func; 定义函数

4. function:fun; 功能,函数,操作

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    担任,兼起作用fulfil the duty or purpose of
    function as sth

    An attributive noun functions as an adjective.


  • They have the functions and powers in their hands.
  • The brain performs a very important function; it controls the nervous system of the body.
  • The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
  • What functions can this machine?
  • In x =5 y , x is a function of y .
    在x=5y中, x是y的函数。
  • The size of the crop is a function of the quality of the soil and the amount of rainfall.
  • He first met her at a social function.
  • The phone didn't function at all.
  • The machine will not function properly if it is not kept well-oiled.
用作名词 (n.)
  • The chief function of poetry is the criticism of life.

    出自:G. Murray
  • The function of ice was to melt.

    出自:J. G. Cozzens
  • The obsessional's habitual disgust with bodily functions, especially with those of excretion.

    出自:A. Storr
  • The smooth..running of our centralised cashier function.

  • Finance is shaking off its grey, dowdy image. It is becoming a creative, dynamic function.

  • The wash-basin..had no plug, but the tap functioned.

    出自:A. Koestler
  • Criticism..functioning as a mask for moral prejudice.

    出自:N. O. Brown
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

function, action, agency
  • 这组词均可表示“作用”,其区别是:
  • 1.action和agency指一物〔事〕对另一物〔事〕的作用; 而function指物体自身的作用。
  • 2.action常从结果的角度着眼,而agency常从原因的角度着眼。
  • 3.action和function是可数名词; 而agency是不可数名词,常用于短语by〔through〕 the agency of。
  • 4.action是一般用词; agency和function是正式用词。
  • v.(动词)
    function, operate, work
  • 这三个词都有“功能”“作用”的意思。其区别在于: operate更强调成功大于结果; work暗示成功、有效; function暗示某物之目的、任务和结果。
    • ☆ 16世纪30年代进入英语,直接源自中古法语的fonction;最初源自拉丁语的functio,意为成绩,执行。
    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.function

    The team's data only went up to 2007, but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing.

    研究小组的数据只持续到2007年, 但研究人员也探讨了如果消费者用提供多种功能的新电子产品(比如用于文字处理和看电视的平板电脑)取代旧产品会发生什么。


    考研真题例句 OG 1.function

    More explanations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that the people could no longer ignore.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.function

    And the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.



    考研真题例句 OG 3.function

    The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing .



    Since this is a concave function, it's not just the expected value.(由于这是一个凹函数,它不仅仅是期望值。)
    This design aims for harmony of form and function.(这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。)
    The main function of the investment banks is to raise capital for industry.(各投资银行的主要作用是为产业筹集资金。)
    Thus far, the problem sets have mostly focused on function.(迄今,问题集主要集中在功能上。)
    Nursery schools should fulfil the function of preparing children for school.(幼儿园应该起到为儿童进小学作准备的作用。)
    The function of the ear is to listen.(耳的功能是听。)
    In this case, you have only one operation and, therefore, only one function.(在本例中,您只有一个操作,因此也只有一项职能。)
    If it is not supported, then you simply return from the function.(如果它不受支持,那么您只需要从函数返回。)
    This function allows you to cut and paste text.(本功能可使你剪切并粘贴文本。)
    Might it not be better to relegate the king to a purely ceremonial function?(使该国王降级到一种纯粹礼仪性的职能难道不更好吗?)
    function是什么意思 function在线翻译 function什么意思 function的意思 function的翻译 function的解释 function的发音 function的同义词