英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:07:49



英 [ˈfi:mə(r)]

美 [ˈfimɚ]


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名词复数: femurs

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  • 腿节
  • 【解】股骨
  • 大腿骨
  • 【昆】股节


1. the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton
extends from the pelvis to the knee

Synonym: thighbonefemoris

1. 股骨
Your femur is the large bone in the upper part of your leg.

1. 股骨:臀大肌有两个附著处: 股骨 (femur)粗线 (linea aspera)的1/3 部分,和iliotibial tractus的部分. 臀大肌中间被一个沟分隔,称为股沟 (gluteal cleft),正是肛门所在. 如此,臀部容许灵长类动物舒适地坐下,而不需要将重心放在腿上.

2. femur

2. 腿节:而棉蝗(Chondracris)和飞蝗(Locusta)的却都较高.中胸和后胸两侧各有一条横缝,将中,后胸分别划分为前后2部分.3个胸节各有一对足,分别称为前足,中足和后足.各足的结构基本相同,由6肢节构成,即基节(coxa),转节(trochanter),腿节(femur),胫节(tibia),

3. 大腿骨:因为大腿骨(femur)是人体骨骼中最大的,上方附著的vastus lateralis 肌肉也是最大块的,因此腿粗的本钱其来有自. 语意学上,在美国,腿被称为肢(limbs),甚至衍生出桌椅,钢琴的腿也拟人化称做肢呢.

4. femur的反义词

4. 股骨;大腿骨:我在里德学院(Reed college)待了六个月就办休学了. 到我退学前,一共休学了十八个月. 那么,我为什么休学?the thigh bone 股骨,大腿骨 (femur)

Objective Probe into anaesthetize mode ever more suitable for old patient's femur surgical operation.(目的探讨更适合老年病人股骨手术的椎管内麻醉方式。)
Conclusion CCC can promote the excretion of lead, increase the content of calcium in femur and antioxidative capacity in lead poisened mice.(结论羧甲基壳聚糖钙能显著促进染铅小鼠排铅,增强抗氧化能力,还具有一定的补钙功效。)
That's only a teeny, weeny little femur.(这是一根小小的股骨。)
In 1967 he smashed a hip, femur, wrist and both ankles attempting to clear the fountains at Caesars Palace, in Las Vegas.(1967年,在拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫殿,他试图要飞跃那里的多个喷泉,结果摔碎了自己的臀、大腿骨、手腕与两个踝关节。)
You would expect the femur to be about 100 times larger, which is true.(你会认为大象的股骨,是老鼠的大约100倍大小,对,没错。)
And here is the femur of an elephant.(这是一根大象的股骨。)
The mass is proportional to the length of the femur to the power three and to the thickness of the femur to the power two.(质量与股骨长度的,三次方成正比,同时与股骨厚度的平方,成正比。)
This is what a femur approximately looks like.(股骨差不多,是这个样子。)
I would argue that the length of the femur must be proportional to the size of the animal.(股骨的长度,必然与动物,大小成正比。)
The mouse has indeed only one centimeter length of the femur and the elephant is, indeed, hundred times longer.(1厘米,这是老鼠的股骨长度,大象的长度,是它的整整100倍。)
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