英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:29:13



英 [ˈfɪləmənt]

美 [ˈfɪləmənt]


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形容词: filamentous

  • 英英释义

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1. a thin wire (usually tungsten) that is heated white hot by the passage of an electric current

2. a threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells)

Synonym: filum

3. the stalk of a stamen

4. a very slender natural or synthetic fiber

Synonym: fibrilstrand

1. 细丝;细线;丝状物
A filament is a very thin piece or thread of something, for example the piece of wire inside a light bulb.

1. 长纤丝:...纤维型态,可分为长纤丝(filament)及短纤棉(staple fiber)两种制品. 长纤丝具有丝般光泽,价格便宜...短纤棉则可改善皮肤触感较差的问题. 但因polyester吸湿性(含水率0....

2. 单丝:指由多支的单丝(Filament)或单纤丝(Fiber),所集合组成的细长线体而言,有时可与Strand(丝束﹔股)通用. 是板材树脂中的重要性质,指由树脂常温坚硬的玻璃态,在升温中转换成柔软橡皮态的关键温度. Tg愈高表示板材愈耐温而不易变形,

3. 灯丝:(详见图1)灯丝(Filament)可以使用不同的材质制成,由于直热式三极管直接将灯丝当作阴极,因此灯丝的特性直接影响着直热式电子管的性能. 基本上,电子管的灯丝主要可分成三种材质构成,第一种当然是耐高温的钨丝. 将纯度高的钨丝抽成细丝,

4. filament的解释

4. 长纤维:PET宝特瓶经去瓶盖脱标签水洗分类粉碎浮选等处理过程,可制成PET碎片经造粒制成切片Chip溶融抽丝等加工处理后制成再生涤纶(PET)长纤维(filament)或短纤维(fiber),其中短纤维再经纺纱工艺纺成纱线(yarn).

  • 经典引文

  • These aren't spiderwebs:..they're mycelium filaments, the start of my mushrooms.

    出自:J. Gaskell
  • Filaments of mist were beginning to curl over the sides of the island.

    出自:F. King
Think about a light bulb; if you apply a current, the filament gets hot and begins to give off light of different colors - red then yellow then blue.(试想下灯泡,如果接通了电流,灯丝会变热继而发出不同颜色的光-从红到黄再到蓝色。)
The highest temperature-and thus the brightest light-that an incandescent lamp can achieve is the melting point of its tungsten filament.(一盏白炽灯所能达到的最高温度——即最大亮度——是其钨丝熔点的温度。)
When a silver filament reaches the gold, it forms a short circuit, causing a dramatic change in conductance, which is easily detectable.(当一根银丝极到达金线时,它将形成一种短路,从而导致电导发生一种惊人的变化。科学家可以容易地对此进行检测。)
It's a filament made from tin oxide anode and lithium cobalt oxide cathode suspended in an ionic liquid electrolyte.(它是丝状的,以锡的氧化物为正极,锂钴氧化物为负极,悬浮在离子电解液中。)
Apart from the tiny current trickling through its filament, the secret of the Centennial Light's long life is that it has rarely been turned off.(除了通过“世纪灯”灯丝的电流微弱外,这盏灯长寿的秘诀在于人们很少关掉它。)
Continuous filament usually need adhesive to protect the filaments from breaking.(连续长丝纱通常需要粘合剂来保护以防止断头。)
Feit Electric Vintage Style Carbon Filament Bulb(飞特电器复古型碳丝灯泡)
In fact, the argon would be so thick that if a light bulb inside the room were to break, the filament would keep glowing.(事实上,氩元素的浓度相当高,如果房间里有电灯泡被打破,灯丝却还可以继续发亮。)
Muscles contract by a sliding-filament mechanism.(肌肉以滑动丝的机制产生收缩。)
An incandescent bulb, made of a wire filament encased in glass, emits only 5% of the energy it consumes as light; the rest is wasted as heat.(由灯丝封装在玻璃里而制成白炽灯,只有5%的能量被用于发光;其余都以热能被浪费掉了。)
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