英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [θred]

美 [θrɛd]




名词: threader 过去式: threaded 过去分词: threaded 现在分词: threading 第三人称单数: threads

With the thread in her hand, the loving mother makes clothes for her son, who then travels far away from home.(慈母手中线,游子身上衣。)
The thread came untwisted.(线纰了。)
The thread kept getting caught around the needle.(线一直缠绕在针上。)
The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity.(贯穿众多提案的主线,是个人权力与机遇的主题。)
If life is a quilt, then love should be thread.(如果生活就像一床被子,那么爱就是线。)
It took me a long time to thread my way through the crowd.(我花了很长时间才从人群中挤过去。)
Mary, get me a silk thread, and a chunk of fire out of the kitchen.(玛丽,给我拿根丝线,再从厨房里找块烧红的火炭来。)
While a thread is running, either uploading or downloading, you can query it to check on its status to provide the user with feedback (e.g. a progress bar).(当一个线程在运行的时候,不管是上传还是下载,你可以查询进程状态并且给用户一个反馈(例如一个进度条)。)
One strand of silk doesn't make a thread; one tree doesn't make a forest.(单丝不成线,独木不成林。)
He took a needle and thread and sewed it up.(他取来一根针和线并把它缝起来。)
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  • 线
  • 思路,条理
  • 螺纹
  • 线状物
  • 线索
  • 衣服
  • 贯穿着的东西
  • 【计】线程
  • 细丝,细线
  • 纤维
  • 头绪
  • 一线,一丝
  • 麻纱, 棉纱
  • 细流
  • 细矿脉
  • 情节
  • 穿,穿过,穿透过
  • 刻螺纹于
  • 使交织
  • 通,通过
  • 装软片于
  • 把...穿成一串,穿成串,串在一起
  • 穿线,拿线穿,穿线于…
  • 为照相机装胶片,装胶卷于
  • 挤过
  • 穿(针),纫(针)
  • 穿行
  • 滴下成丝状
  • 将穿过…
  • 将(影片)装入放映机
  • 给…装入(胶片、狭带、绳子)
  • 用…线缝,把…线编织进
  • 小心地通过
  • 蜿蜒前进
  • [U][C]线,细线 (length of) spun cotton, wool, silk, etc.; thin strand of nylon, etc.
  • [C]线索,思路 line of thought connecting parts of a story, etc.
  • vt. 将(针、线等)穿过 … pass needle, thread, string, etc. through (sth)
  • vt. 将…穿过…而置于备用位置 pass (film, tape, etc.) through sth and into the required position for use


1. the raised helical rib going around a screw

Synonym: screw thread

2. a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving

Synonym: yarn

3. the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together

e.g. I couldn't follow his train of thought
he lost the thread of his argument

Synonym: train of thought

4. any long object resembling a thin line

e.g. a mere ribbon of land
the lighted ribbon of traffic
from the air the road was a grey thread
a thread of smoke climbed upward

Synonym: ribbon


1. thread on or as if on a string

e.g. string pearls on a string
the child drew glass beads on a string
thread dried cranberries

Synonym: stringdraw

2. pass through or into

e.g. thread tape
thread film

3. remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string

e.g. She had her eyebrows threaded

4. pass a thread through

e.g. thread a needle

5. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course

e.g. the river winds through the hills
the path meanders through the vineyards
sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body

Synonym: weavewindmeanderwander

1. (尤指用于缝纫的)细线,细丝
Thread or a thread is a long very thin piece of a material such as cotton, nylon, or silk, especially one that is used in sewing.

e.g. This time I'll do it properly with a needle and thread.
e.g. ...a tiny Nepalese hat embroidered with golden threads.

2. 主线;思路;脉络
The thread of an argument, a story, or a situation is an aspect of it that connects all the different parts together.

e.g. The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity...
e.g. All religions are united by the common threads of fighting evil and helping others...

3. 线状物;一线
A thread of something such as liquid, light, or colour is a long thin line or piece of it.

e.g. A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.
e.g. ...Venetian glass decorated with embedded threads of white.

4. 衣服
You can refer to clothes as threads .

e.g. ...a cheap place to pick up natty threads.

5. 螺纹
The thread on a screw, or on something such as a lid or a pipe, is the raised spiral line of metal or plastic around it which allows it to be fixed in place by twisting.


e.g. The screw threads will be able to get a good grip.

6. 穿行;曲折穿过;蜿蜒
If you thread your way through a group of people or things, or thread through it, you move through it carefully or slowly, changing direction frequently as you move.

e.g. Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies...
e.g. ...threading our way past little boats...

7. 使(细长的物体)穿过;使穿进
If you thread a long thin object through something, you pass it through one or more holes or narrow spaces.

e.g. ...threading the laces through the eyelets of his shoes...
e.g. Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure...

8. 将(珠子等)穿起来
If you thread small objects such as beads onto a string or thread, you join them together by pushing the string through them.

e.g. Wipe the mushrooms clean and thread them on a string.

9. 穿(针)
When you thread a needle, you put a piece of thread through the hole in the top of the needle in order to sew with it.

e.g. I sit down, thread a needle, snip off an old button.

10. 千钧一发;岌岌可危
If you say that something is hanging by a thread, you mean that it is in a very uncertain state and is unlikely to survive or succeed.

e.g. The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.

11. (活动中断后)继续下去/(经历失败、霉运后)恢复生机
If you pick up the threads of an activity, you start it again after an interruption. If you pick up the threads of your life, you become more active again after a period of failure or bad luck.


e.g. Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career.


1. 螺纹:[摘要]旋装柴油滤清器(OIL SPIN-ON FILTER)螺纹(THREAD)1.5×16UNF密封圈(... 机油滤芯 发布单位:德...

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  • 经典引文

    千钧一发,岌岌可危 (of a person's life, etc.) depend on sth small
    失去(议论故事等的)头绪 be unable to follow an argument, story, etc.

1. have not a dry thread on one : 浑身湿透;

2. thread and thrum : 良莠掺杂地;

  • The thread is formed into a ball.
  • Fasten the thread off with a knot.
  • Let me take that piece of thread off your skirt.
  • I need some red thread to sew this dress.
  • You sew with thread.
  • To sew a button on, you need a needle and thread.
  • The spider hung by a thread.
  • There are threads of wool on your dress.
  • A thread of light came through the crack in the door.
  • A thread of white smoke climbed up the sky.
  • A thread of poetry marked all his writing.
  • There is a consistent thread running through all these policies.
  • I return to a thread of my story.
  • I went shopping and got some threads.
  • The child threaded the beads.
  • We threaded the forest.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • From these little Threads..such strong Cables are form'd.

    出自:R. Welton
  • Glass may be spun into very long..threads.

    出自:G. R. Porter
  • She..began threading a needle.

    出自:M. Forster
  • She..threaded the cowslip into my buttonhole.

  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • thread用作名词的基本意思是“线”,可指用棉、毛、尼龙等制成的“线”,也可指细如线状的东西(如一丝亮光等),此时常用于a thread of结构。
  • thread用于比喻还可作“(贯穿故事等各部分的)线索”或“(某人的)思路”解,此时常与lose, pick〔take〕 up等连用。
  • thread还可作“螺纹”“衣物,衣服”解,作“衣物,衣服”解时多见于美国俚语中,且常用于复数形式。
  • thread的基本意思是将一根线穿进针眼中,指在比较狭窄或拥挤的地方穿梭(如在人群中挤过去),即“穿线,穿过”,常与介词into, on, through等连用。
  • thread一般用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,偶尔也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。
thread, cord, line, rope, string, wire
  • 这组词的共同意思是“绳”“索”。line可以代替其他五个词,也可用来指抽象或借喻性的线; cord指中等粗细的绳子; rope指较粗、较结实的绳子; thread指用棉花、丝料制成用来做衣服的细线; string指细绳; wire指金属丝、铁丝,也可指电线。
  • thread是什么意思 thread在线翻译 thread什么意思 thread的意思 thread的翻译 thread的解释 thread的发音 thread的同义词