英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈflæbi]

美 [ˈflæbi]


副词: flabbily 比较级: flabbier 最高级: flabbiest 名词: flabbiness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. out of condition
not strong or robust
incapable of exertion or endurance

e.g. he was too soft for the army
flabby around the middle
flaccid cheeks

Synonym: softflaccid

1. (人)肌肉松弛的,肥胖的
Flabby people are rather fat, with loose flesh over their bodies.

e.g. This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums.
e.g. My bulging thighs and flabby stomach made me depressed.

2. 冗余的;杂乱的
If you describe something as flabby, you are criticizing it for being disorganized or wasteful.

e.g. You hear talk about American business being flabby.

1. 松弛的:Blade 刀刃 | Flabby 松弛的 | Precaution 警告

2. 软弱的:flabbiness 软弱 | flabby 软弱的 | flabellate 扇状的

3. flabby的解释

3. 未成熟黄麻:固著甕染料 fixing vat dye | 未成熟黃麻 flabby | 旗布,飾布 flag cloth

4. 皮肉松弛的:Brawny 结实的 | Flabby 皮肉松弛的 | Muscular 肌肉发达的

  • 经典引文

  • Thanks to abstemious habits, he had not grown fat and flabby.

    出自:J. Galsworthy
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

You call that flabby rubber band an arm?(你那条臃肿的橡皮圈叫做手臂?。)
“Almost everyone eating here has a flabby stomach,” Alice whispered.(“几乎每个来这吃饭的人肚子都饿扁了。”爱丽丝小声说。)
Mars is this sort of human, flabby torso—it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of wars.(马尔斯是这种人,有着赘肉的躯干——这让人同情,但这是对战争的不同描写。)
He moved slowly, his skin was "grey and flabby" and he was breathing hard.(他动作缓慢,皮肤“发灰且松弛”,且呼吸困难。)
Her partner was tall and flabby, his stomach protruding from under his T-shirt.(她的同伴身材高大,肌肉松弛,他的小肚子从T恤衫下突出来。)
"A wine that does not have enough acidity is" flabby "or" fat.(没有足够的酸度的红酒是“松弛的”或“肥胖的”。)
It was a flabby piece anybody could have written. Usually he writes well and to the point.(这是一篇松散的文章,谁都写得出来。通常他总是写得又好又贴切。)
This exercise is great for getting rid of flabby arms.(这个练习对减除手臂的赘肉极为有效。)
Contrast that with Greece's flabby economy.(这与希腊疲软的经济形成了鲜明的对比。)
If life was too easy, our brains would get flabby.(假如生活太过简单,我们的大脑也会变得迟钝。)
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