英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [fleɪl]

美 [flel]



过去式: flailed 过去分词: flailed 现在分词: flailing 第三人称单数: flails

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1. an implement consisting of handle with a free swinging stick at the end
used in manual threshing



1. give a thrashing to
beat hard

Synonym: thrashthreshlam

2. move like a flail
thresh about

e.g. Her arms were flailing

Synonym: thresh

1. (四肢)拼命乱动,使劲乱摆
If your arms or legs flail or if you flail them about, they wave about in an energetic but uncontrolled way.


e.g. His arms were flailing in all directions...
e.g. He gave a choked cry, flailed his arms wildly for a moment, and then went over the edge.

2. 连枷(脱粒用的农具)
A flail is a tool which consists of a piece of wood or metal that can swing freely from a handle. Flails are used to beat crops such as corn in order to separate the grain from the rest of the plant.

相关词组:flail around

1. flail

1. (链枷):农民的发明:链枷(Flail) 很多时候,链枷和链锤都被混淆了. 其实链枷本是农民打麦的东西,很象中国的双节棍,但是要大得多. 一旦被打到一下,哪怕穿链子甲都有骨折的危险. ?链枷的兄弟:链锤(Spiked Flail) 战场上链枷的杀伤力就小了点了......不过没关系,

2. 得不稳,要掉下来了:Fixed pro 以前留下的膨胀栓、岩钉、铁环等保护装置. | Flail 得不稳,要掉下来了 | Flake 岩石页片.


3. 打(谷子):kennel 狗窝 | flail 打(谷子) | frail 脆弱的

  • 经典引文

  • She flailed the ancient carpet as if it contained demons instead of dust.

    出自:P. Bailey
Unfortunately for them, their weapons hadn't been fixed in the same way, and all they could do was flail madly as Adek approached.(不幸的是,他们的武器没有被固定下来,他们所能做的只是在Adek接近时奋力的蹬腿摆动。)
Objective: To emphasize the importance of mechanical ventilation in the emergency management of flail chest and primary brain-stem injury.(目的:强调机械通气在连枷胸伴原发性脑干伤救治中的重要性。)
Conclusion Pulmonary contusion and paradoxical respiratory movement are the important causes resulting in respiratory dysfunction of traumatic flail chest.(结论在创伤性连枷胸中,肺挫伤和反常呼吸运动是引起呼吸功能障碍的重要原因。)
The internal fixation of rib fracture performed in patients with flail chest was 11.4%(5/44).(连枷胸肋骨骨折内固定术占闭合性胸伤的11.4%(5/44)。)
Conclusion Integrative therapy should be taken for traumatic flail chest.(结论创伤性连枷胸应采取综合治疗措施。)
Conclusion Pulmonary contusion and paradoxical respiratory movement were the important causes resulting in respiratory dysfunction of traumatic flail chest.(结论在创伤性连枷胸患者中,肺挫伤和反常呼吸运动是引起呼吸和循环功能障碍的重要原因。)
This is an additional head which may be added to Flail of Ages + 3.(这是个额外的连枷头可能可以加装到传古连枷+3上。)
Borna disease had first been discovered in horses in the late 1800s; it attacks their brains and causes them to flail uncontrollably.(博尔纳病在十七世纪晚期,在马身上首次发现;病毒会进入马的大脑里,让马发狂,失控。)
Conclusion Severe flail chest caused by multiple fractured ribs should be treated by internal fixation.(结论对于引起胸壁不稳定的多发性肋骨骨折应行可吸收肋骨钉内固定治疗。)
Objective To evaluate the therapy of traumatic flail chest and its effects.(目的探讨创伤性连枷胸的治疗方法和效果。)
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