英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:17:49



英 [fleə(r)]

美 [fler]


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  • 天资
  • 才能
  • 鉴别力
  • 才华
  • 敏锐的感觉力
  • 眼力
  • 天赋
  • 天分
  • 资质
  • 嗅觉
  • 本事
  • 眼光
  • 敏锐的洞察力
  • 第六感
  • 洒脱潇洒
  • 时髦


1. distinctive and stylish elegance

e.g. he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer

Synonym: dashelanpanachestyle

2. a natural talent

e.g. he has a flair for mathematics
he has a genius for interior decorating

Synonym: genius

3. a shape that spreads outward

e.g. the skirt had a wide flare

Synonym: flare

1. 天资;天赋;天分
If you have a flair for a particular thing, you have a natural ability to do it well.


e.g. ...a friend who has a flair for languages.

2. 才华;资质;创意
If you have flair, you do things in an original, interesting, and stylish way.

e.g. Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect.

1. 本能:助记:飞在边缘(edge)是小鸟(fledging),飞入湖(lake)中是雪花(flake),飞在空中(air)是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑(aunt)在炫耀(flaunt),锁(lock)到一起是一群(flock),飞出去(out)就遭到蔑视(),后(late)飞来的却在溜须拍马(flatter),

2. 才华:进攻球员若是才华(flair)比较高,可以在此基础上弄高一些,比如罗西基,双18的创造力和传球,加上19的天分,这种球员无论如何都要给予20自由度--自由度在我看来是最重要的战术设置,一定要根据每个球员的特点和位置专门设计.

3. 天赋:但苏俄芭蕾取两者最佳之处,融合技巧与天赋(flair)的特质成为世界最好的芭蕾. 就现今标准运动舞蹈在苏俄的情形,这种对过往的回首一瞥会证明是先知预言. 但是我同意大多数的舞者似乎不愿意从人群中站出来而与众不同,例如,

4. 才能:多年的投资经验积累,令我学到成功的投资离不开耐性(patient)和才能(flair). 有才能(flair)的投资是指有远见和信念,如果投资者没有远见和长期看法,就只能流于平庸,被市场牵着走,短视的投资者往往「只看到树木而见不到森林」.

5. flair:fluid attenuated inversion recovery; 液体衰减反转恢复序列

  • 经典引文

  • He seemed to have lost the flair.., the sense for where the really important problem lay.

    出自:U. Le Guin
  • To wear an inexpensive dress with such flair that her friends were under the impression that she dressed extravagantly.

    出自:C. Freeman
  • We flair survivals of phrase and intonation lurking in the speech..of very aged persons.

    出自:Glasgow Herald
  • The fox..flaired with his muzzle.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect.(如你所料,他们的作品像往常一样拥有活力、神韵和才华。)
Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion.(他们的批评者似乎对他们很气愤,因为他们在自我抬高/标榜上很有天分。)
Campese was his usual mixture of flamboyance and flair.(坎皮斯仍像平时那样,既有派,又有才。)
With six children — yes, six — you'd think that her design flair wouldn't extend much beyond diapers.(她有6个孩子——多到让你觉得她的设计天分从此将被过多的家庭琐事所苑囿。)
A Still, to get an a, you've got to show some flair for the subject.(但仍然,要想拿到,你们得表现出一点资质。)
Then Ford sacrificed all that muscular flair and created this.(接着福特牺牲了所有肌肉的天资制造出了这个。)
She has a flair for languages.(她有语言天才。)
These top hobbies teach you to be creative and show your artistic flair.(这些排名前几的兴趣可以教会你什么是创造性,显示你的艺术本领。)
Lovely flowers already became a timeless print and they add a vibrant and youthful flair.(可爱的花朵是永不过时的图案,它们增添活力和青春的气息。)
In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision.(在商界,他以其风度与犀利的眼光而闻名。)
flair是什么意思 flair在线翻译 flair什么意思 flair的意思 flair的翻译 flair的解释 flair的发音 flair的同义词