英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:26:05



英 [ˈfɔ:fɪtʃə(r)]

美 [ˈfɔ:rfətʃər]



  • 详情解释

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  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • (名誉等)丧失
  • (财产等)没收
  • 没收物
  • 罚金
  • 因弃权
  • 违例而被判失败
  • 被没收物
  • 丧失物


1. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.

Synonym: forfeitsacrifice

2. a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something

e.g. the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time

Synonym: forfeit

3. something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty

Synonym: forfeit

1. 没收;丧失
Forfeiture is the action of forfeiting something.


e.g. ...the forfeiture of illegally obtained profits...
e.g. Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.
双方都面临最高 120 万美元左右的罚金。

1. 罚金:第六,异常收盘报告,显示那些收盘价超出了一定参数值的报告. 银行记录的重要性在于,它可能揭示操纵关联方的支付、贿赂、利润瓜分和共同融资安排. 而且,这对跟踪操纵者的收益,最终获得罚金(forfeiture)或冻结资产至关重要.


2. 取消:作为成文宪法,这些章程中的条件和限制通过不同手段而获得实施--通过章程的取消(forfeiture),通过议会法案,通过国王对殖民地立法的直接撤消,通过司法程序以及最终向枢密院的上诉.

  • 经典引文

  • The penalty for high treason was death, as well as the forfeiture of titles and offices.

    出自:A. Fraser
The board is of the opinion that anyone who helps facilitate an illegal transaction could be liable for a forfeiture claim.(该委员会认为,任何人谁可以帮助促进了非法交易,可能会没收请求负有责任。)
Punishment of forfeiture has seldom been imposed and should be replaced by pecuniary penalty.(没收财产刑适用极少,应以罚金刑取代之。)
In one survey 40% of police executives agreed that funds from civil-asset forfeiture were "necessary as a budget supplement".(在一项调查中,有40%的警察认为没收公民财产所获资金已经成为“必要的补贴”。)
There is no way to compensate or punish someone for murder, it simply means forfeiture of one's own life.(谋杀者没有办法补偿或者受罚,只能以自己的生命为代价。)
Criminal forfeiture involves proven criminals. A convicted bank robber may lose his getaway car; a money-launderer may lose the house he bought with his illicit profits.(刑事没收包括已被证实的犯罪,例如没收抢银行者用于逃跑的汽车,没收洗钱者用不法钱财购得的房屋。)
The vanishment of Forfeiture of Property is an inexorable historical trend.(没收财产刑走向消亡是历史的必然趋势。)
The appearance of the fracture of the fact and the value in modernization is the alienation of communication and the forfeiture of life meaning.(事实与价值的断裂在现代性中显现为:交往关系的异化和生活意义的缺失。)
Forfeiture of bills is an unusual situation in the circulating of bills.(票据丧失是票据流转中的异常情况,而且票据丧失还经常与票据伪造相联系。)
I'm sure the duke will never grant this forfeiture to hold!(我相信公爵一定不会让这笔保单被诺许的!)
The wandering soul is an important spiritual quality of the characters in the novels by Bai Xianyong. It derives from the forfeiture of home sense.(白先勇小说中的人物有一个重要的精神特征就是精神的漂泊,人物的这种漂泊源于家园感的丧失。)
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