英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-30 13:49:04



英 [ˈfɔ:teɪ]

美 [fɔ:rt]



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1. the stronger part of a sword blade between the hilt and the foible

2. (music) loud

Synonym: fortissimo

3. an asset of special worth or utility

e.g. cooking is his forte

Synonym: strong suitlong suitmetierspecialtyspecialitystrong pointstrength



1. used chiefly as a direction or description in music

e.g. the forte passages in the composition

Synonym: loud



1. used as a direction in music
to be played relatively loudly

Synonym: loudly

Pronounced /fɔrt/ for meaning 1 in American English. 美国英语中义项1读作/fɔrt/。

1. 专长;强项
You can say that a particular activity is your forte if you are very good at it.

e.g. Originality was never his forte.

2. (演奏)用强音
A piece of music that is played forte is played loudly.

1. 芙缇:王永庆生前脸部肌肤光滑细致,显示身体健康外,擦了四年的芙缇(Forte)草本保湿营养凝胶更是功不可没. 四年前,王永庆要出国,因国外空气乾冷,他女儿王瑞瑜建议带一瓶保湿营养凝胶在身边擦抹.

2. 强音:太阳落山时,作者把各种声音比做乐曲:好友结伴而行的沙沙声(the musical rustle)领衔一曲交响乐(symphiny),突降的大雨构成了强音(forte),雨点落在树叶上响起轻快的啪嗒声(pitpat),落在金属上发出叮当声(jingle),

3. 台塑:这一瓶是台塑(FORTE)胶原系列最赞的,她的质地很好吸收,而且长期用下来(我用第二罐了)整个肌肤都亮了起来!此外,还有胶原化妆水也很棒,至於这款的眼霜、日霜、颈霜则效果普普!

  • 经典引文

  • He, as though repetition were his forte, repeated the words.

    出自:W. Trevor
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

I am better than Jack in English but not in math; that is his forte.(我的英语比杰克好,但数学就不行了,那是他的专长。)
Languages were never my forte.(语言从来就不是我的强项。)
Panda Po: OK, OK, my two clever apprentices. And first, I'd like to impart my forte skill to you!(好,好,我的两位好徒弟!首先,我想传授你们我的一项拿手绝活。)
Mitchell is impulsive, and tact is certainly not a forte.(米切尔是冲动的,老练的回答绝对不是她的强项。)
Cooking is her forte.(她擅长烹调。)
Competitive games will be your forte.(竞争性游戏将是你的优势。)
His forte at Goldman, above all, was deal-making.(他在高盛的过人之处在于交易决策。)
However, his forte is on the operations.(然而,他的长处试运营。)
Defending in his forte.(防守是他的强项!)
Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte 's extraordinary working life.(正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。)
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