英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈflaɪəʊvə(r)]

美 [ˈflaɪoʊvər]



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1. a flight at a low altitude (usually of military aircraft) over spectators on the ground

Synonym: fly-byflypast

2. bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels

Synonym: overpass

1. 立交桥;高架公路
A flyover is a structure which carries one road over the top of another road.

in AM, use 美国英语用overpass

2. 同flypast
A flyover is the same as a flypast .

1. 天桥;行车天桥:flux 焊剂 | flyover 天桥;行车天桥 | flyover deck 天桥面

2. 立交(桥):一环路东四段 1ST RING ROAD EAST SECTION 4 | 5.2.11立交(桥)FLYOVER | 如: 营门口立交(桥) YINGMENKOU FLYOVER

3. 架空桥:flyingscaffold悬空脚手架 | flyover架空桥 | foam泡沫


4. 立体交叉;飞机编队低空飞行:flyout 飞出 | flyover 立体交叉;飞机编队低空飞行 | flysch facies 复理石相

A Coast Guard aircrew also conducted a flyover assessment of the spill.(一名海岸警卫队机组人员对此次泄漏进行了评估。)
On the flyover near Balintawak station, I peer down at a chessboard of tin roofs.(在巴林塔瓦克车站附近的立交桥上,我俯视着桥下如棋盘般的铁皮屋顶。)
Just go straight till you get to the traffic light, them turn right and walk until you see the new flyover.(一直走到红绿灯,然后朝右走看到新的立交桥为止。)
Road running Road flyover, cross the street not far from.(天桥地道横行道,横穿马路离不了。)
At least 10 people were killed and several were trapped when under-construction flyover collapsed Sunday in Hyderabad in India.(昨日印度海得拉巴市一座在建的立交桥坍塌,起码10人死亡,多人被埋。)
Another flyover will be opened to traffic by the end of this year.(又有一座立交桥将于年底通车。)
It took workers more than one year to build this flyover.(建造这座立交桥破费工人一年多时间。)
Israel's air force prepares a flyover from northern Israel to the south, while the navy shows off its warships along the Mediterranean coast.(以色列空军准备从以色列北部地区到南部地区的飞行,海军则将在地中海沿岸展示军舰。)
This time, Salt Lake City played the role of Hollywood, rural Utah was the new Silicon Valley, and California was cast as flyover country.(这一次,盐湖城扮演了好莱坞的角色,犹他州的乡村成为了新的硅谷,而加州扮演了立交桥。)
The flyover broadens into the NLEx expressway.(立交桥延伸到NLEx高速公路。)
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