英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:32:50



英 [ˈfrɒθi]

美 [ˈfrɔ:θi]


副词: frothily 比较级: frothier 最高级: frothiest 名词: frothiness

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1. marked by high spirits or excitement

e.g. his fertile effervescent mind
scintillating personality
a row of sparkly cheerleaders

Synonym: bubblingeffervescentscintillatingsparkly

2. emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation

e.g. bubbling champagne
foamy (or frothy) beer

Synonym: bubblingbubblyfoamingfoamyeffervescingspumy

1. 起泡沫的;表面多泡沫的
A frothy liquid has lots of bubbles on its surface.


e.g. ...frothy milk shakes.

1. 起泡的:frothing reagent 起泡剂 | frothy 起泡的 | frozen ground 冻结地层

2. 起泡沫的:Foamy 起泡沫的 | Frothy 起泡沫的 | Fortified 加度的

3. 有泡沫的:frothing 泡沫现象起泡沫的 | frothy 有泡沫的 | Froude number 佛鲁特数

4. 泡沫状:浆液性 serous | 泡沫状 frothy | 水样的 watery

  • 经典引文

  • Wanton Joy..had spilt the Cyder's frothy Flood.

    出自:W. Somerville
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He began to have frequent, frothy, foul smelling stools.(他开始有多次、带泡沫和臭味的大便。)
For frothy land prices the calculations are pretty simple - how fast are land prices rising compared to property prices?(关于地价泡沫的计算也很简单——相比于房价,地价的上涨速度有多快?)
Animals can appear to be sick and tense, and not seem to have the frothy-mouth onset.(患病的动物们可能看起来病了并且很紧张,但并不会口吐白沫。)
Like investors, journalists move in a herd when markets are frothy.(和投资者一样,当市场泛起泡沫时,新闻工作者的书面语也在向同一方向靠拢。)
Because life without black coffee, frothy cappuccinos, soy lattes, and espresso shots is simply not possible.(因为失去黑咖啡,起泡卡布·奇诺,大豆拿铁和咖啡球的生活是不可能继续的。)
The new invention ensures the beer keeps a full, frothy head.(这项新发明能保证啤酒始终保持丰富的泡沫。)
And corporate profits have risen by more than share prices, so earnings multiples are also less frothy than last time.(而且公司收益已经比股价上升要大,因而盈利乘数相比上一次所含泡沫要少。)
Soapberries can be whipped into a frothy treat.(可以将无患子属植物打成泡沫状。)
The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere.(色球层在光球层气体的搅拌下是个多泡层。)
Randall Jones, an economist at the OECD, does not believe house prices in South Korea are excessively frothy.(经合组织的经济学家兰德尔·琼斯不认为韩国的房价上涨极度泡沫化。)
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