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更新时间:2025-03-24 14:39:26



英 [ˈfʌŋgəs]

美 [ˈfʌŋɡəs]


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名词复数: fungi

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  • 真菌,霉菌,霉,腐朽菌
  • 菌类植物,木耳,蘑菇
  • 突然发生的暂时现象
  • 【医】海绵肿
  • 突然发生和迅速生长的东西
  • 腮须,胡须
  • [C]真菌 plant,without green leaves,which usually grows on other plants or on decaying matter


1. an organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter
ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia

1. 真菌
A fungus is a plant that has no flowers, leaves, or green colouring, such as a mushroom or a toadstool. Other types of fungus such as mould are extremely small and look like a fine powder.

1. 真菌:白色念珠菌(Candida albicans)它是单细胞(single-celled) 真菌(fungus)平时生存于人体的消化道中. 这些细菌在人体没有达到平衡时(尤其是人体抵抗力降低时),白色念珠菌就会繁殖,达到一定量时,人体就会生病,所以白色念珠菌是一种致病菌.

2. 微菌:A、 急性嗉囔炎的病因及防治:(1)白色念珠菌(Candida Albicans):是一种类似酵母菌的微菌(Fungus)侵害鸽子的上消化道(口腔、喉头、食道、嗉囔)为主. 感染季节以春夏最为流行. 主要症状是:嗉囔积水发酸、发臭、呕吐、厌飞又无食欲.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Mushrooms are a type of fungus.
  • A tree..rotted by kidney-shaped fungus on the bark.

    出自:S. Spender
In both North America and Europe, fungus-causing diseases such as Dutch elm disease have killed off millions of stately trees that once gave beauty to forests and cities.(在北美和欧洲,像荷兰榆树病这样的真菌疾病已经杀死了数百万棵曾给森林和城市增光添彩的高大树木。)
The fungus then destroys the locust's tissues from the inside.(然后,真菌从内部破坏蝗虫的组织。)
An endophytic fungus resistance to penicillin was isolated from hyacinthus orientalis by culturing on a preliminary screening medium.(通过在初步筛选的培养基上培养,从风信子中分离出对青霉素的内生真菌抗性。)
These are not single individual plants; each one is a symbiotic combination of an alga and a fungus.(这些不是单个的植物;每一种都是藻类和真菌的共生组合。)
It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type that they had propagated, essentially unchanged from the distant past.(人们曾经认为,蚂蚁培育的真菌是它们繁殖的一种单一品种,自远古时期以来基本上没有改变。)
Notably, a speculative craze has gripped the market for caterpillar fungus.(更值得注意的是,投机热潮已经紧紧覆盖了冬虫夏草市场。)
My roses were suffering from fungus.(我的玫瑰受到真菌的侵害。)
NEWS: Deadly Fungus Turns Ants Into zombies.(新闻:致命的真菌能够将蚂蚁变成僵尸。)
They found that the fungus was getting nitrogen from the air.(他们发现真菌从空气中获得氮元素。)
Dr. Timothy: A fungus infection?(蒂摩西医生:是真菌感染吗?)
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