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更新时间:2025-03-24 14:44:37


英 [gæˈstrɒnəmi]

美 [gæˈstrɑ:nəmi]


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名词复数: gastronomies

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1. the art and practice of choosing and preparing and eating good food

2. a particular style of cookery (as of a region)

e.g. New England gastronomy

1. 烹饪法;美食学
Gastronomy is the activity and knowledge involved in preparing and appreciating good food.

e.g. Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy.

1. 美食学:Gastropub优质美食吧,即美食学(Gastronomy)和酒吧(Pub)结合,九十年代初在英国兴起,介乎於酒吧与餐厅之间,气氛Casual,吸引一些不想太正襟危坐、希望轻松用餐又想喝酒的客人帮衬,打破酒吧冇啖好食的定律.

2. gastronomy什么意思

2. 美食法:topography(地形学) | gastronomy(美食法) | astrology(占星术)

3. 散发阳光气息的特色美食:68.旅游指南Travel Guide | 68.散发阳光气息的特色美食Gastronomy | 69.尼斯餐馆推荐Restaurants Recommended

4. 烹饪学:Industrial Experience in the Hospitality Industry 酒店业从业经验 1 | Gastronomy 烹饪学 2 | Managing Financial Resources in Hospitality 酒店业资金管理 1

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We have the gastronomy, the wines... so that perhaps is the special flavour of Euro 2004.(我们有美食、美酒……所以,那大概就是2004年欧锦赛的特色之处吧。)
The provincial Teramo gastronomy is known for its variety and richness.(泰拉莫省的美食以种类丰富多样闻名。)
Each of the 22 regions of France has its own charm, culture, peculiarites, gastronomy, wines, history and people.(法国的22个区域每个都有它们各自的魅力,迥异的文化,不同的特征、美食、酒、历史以及民族。)
The words appearing in fuchsia on the packaging are those associated with gastronomy and good food.(相关的美食和良好的食品包装上出现紫红色的话。)
The Fat Duck is owned by chef Heston Blumenthal whose style of cooking is often described by foodies as ‘molecular gastronomy’.(肥鸭(餐厅)是由HestonBlumenthal厨师拥有的,其烹饪作风经常被美食家们描述为“美食分子”。)
Whereas molecular gastronomy is concerned primarily with the food or "smell" molecules, neurogastronomy is more focused on the receptor molecules and the brain's spatial images for smell.(分子美食学主要关注食物或“气味”分子,而神经美食学更关注受体分子和大脑对气味产生的空间图像。)
And now, most of the British public is familiar even with Heston Blumentha's molecular gastronomy.(而现在,大多数英国人甚至对赫斯顿·布鲁门塔分子美食学也很熟悉。)
Molecular Gastronomy - The science.(分子烹饪--一门科学。)
If something stimulates debate and interest about food and gastronomy then it's a good thing, but it shouldn't be taken seriously at all.(如果只是为了激发针对食物和烹饪的辩论及兴趣的话,这种排行当然不错,但它根本不应该被严肃看待。)
Gastronomy: Art of selecting, preparing, serving, and enjoying fine food.(烹调法:烹调法是对食物选择、烹饪、供应和享受的艺术。)
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