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英 [dʒaɪˈreɪt]

美 [ˈdʒaɪreɪt]



名词: gyrator 过去式: gyrated 过去分词: gyrated 现在分词: gyrating 第三人称单数: gyrates

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  • 旋涡状的
  • 旋转的,盘旋的,圆形的
  • 【植】螺旋状的
  • 有脑回的
  • 卷起来的
  • 回旋,盘旋,旋转,回转
  • 使(身体部位)转动
  • 螺旋形运转


1. revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis

e.g. The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy

Synonym: spinspin aroundwhirlreel

2. to wind or move in a spiral course

e.g. the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action
black smoke coiling up into the sky
the young people gyrated on the dance floor

Synonym: spiralcoil

1. (人)旋转,转动
If you gyrate, you dance or move your body quickly with circular movements.

e.g. The woman began to gyrate to the music.
e.g. ...a room stuffed full of gasping, gyrating bodies.

Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage.

2. 旋转;回旋
To gyrate means to turn round and round in a circle, usually very fast.

e.g. The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion.

3. (价格、货币等)剧烈波动,起伏不定
If things such as prices or currencies gyrate, they move up and down in a rapid and uncontrolled way.


e.g. Interest rates began to gyrate up towards 20 per cent in 1980 and then down and up again.

...the gyrations of the currency markets.

1. 回转:gyr- 旋转 | gyrate 回转 | gyration 旋动


2. 旋涡状的:gyral 旋转的 | gyrate 旋涡状的 | gyration 旋回


3. 中文解释:旋转,回旋 谐音谐意注解:转绕兜:frown 中文解释:蹙眉表示不满 谐音谐意注解:愤神(色) | gyrate 中文解释:旋转,回旋 谐音谐意注解:转绕兜 | incense 中文解释:香 谐音谐意注解香味)引深吸

4. gyrate在线翻译

4. 旋涡状的/旋转/不停地转动:gyral /旋转的/ | gyrate /旋涡状的/旋转/不停地转动/ | gyration /旋回/回转/旋转/

  • 经典引文

  • Twisting couples gyrating in time to the tune of the gramophone.

    出自:V. Woolf
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Although they may gyrate following Portugal's demise, Spain should avoid its neighbour's fate.(尽管他们现在可能要围着葡萄牙倒下后的影响转,西班牙还是应该避免步它邻居的后尘。)
Stepping on a chairthat wobbled under him, he would knot a noose round his scrawny neck, test it, yank it, gyrate his neck like a pigeon and step out into the void.(他会跳上一把摇摇晃晃的椅子,在瘦骨嶙峋的脖子上打上一个绳套,先试一下,然后猛地一拉,把脖子扭得象一只鸽子,接着跳下椅子悬在半空中。)
In postmortems, the researchers found evidence of neuron growth in the dentate gyrate.(研究人员在老鼠死后发现锯齿状脑回内神经元生长的证据。)
Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, gallumph, gyrate and gossip.(胖的人会喋喋不休、咯咯笑、狂笑、放肆、摇摆不定、说长道短。)
Ever-growing Numbers of enthusiastic dancers - usually "damas", meaning elderly women - have gathered on the street corners of Chinas cities in recent years to gyrate in unison.(随着热情舞者数量的增多,通常她们被叫“大妈们”,意思是上了年纪的妇女;最近几年这群中国各地的大妈们聚在一起蹦蹦跳跳。)
Cases of electric people date back to 1786, the most famous of which is that of 14 year old Angelique Cottin, whose presence caused compass needles to gyrate wildly.(人类带电的案例可以追溯至1786年,其中最著名的是14岁的安琪莉可·柯廷,能让罗盘的指针旋转不止。)
Conclusions The method of the expanded scalp flap is good and effective treatment for the cutis verticis gyrate.(结论头皮脑回样病变畸形是一种罕见的头皮良性病变,头皮扩张术是修复治疗头皮脑回样病变的理想方法。)
Interest rates began to gyrate up toward 20 percent in 1980 and then down and up again.(1980年,利率开始朝着20%波动上升然后下降,又再次上升。)
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