英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:03:23
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1. get nowhere的意思

1. 一事无成:get nothing on me 尚未找到证据 | get nowhere 一事无成 | get off on the wrong foot 开始就乱了步骤


2. 一无进展,不成功,无结果:95. hang on to 紧紧抓住,保留,保住 | 96. get nowhere 一无进展,不成功,无结果 | 97. day in and day out 每天连续不断

3. (使)无结果:get somewhere (使)有结果 | get nowhere (使)无结果 | get along 过活;生活,进展

4. 毫无进展:get even with 复仇,报仇 | get nowhere 毫无进展 | get one's promotion 提升,晋升

If you get nowhere, not your parents fault, so do not only complain of their own mistakes, learn from mistakes.(如果你一事无成,不是你父母的错,所以不要只会对自己犯的错误发牢骚,要从错误中学习。)
There is first of all the problem of the opening, namely, how to get us from where we are, which is, as yet, nowhere, to the far bank.(摆在我们面前的首要问题显然是,如何从我们现在所在之处,去往遥远的河岸。可是,我们连自己现在在什么鬼地方都不清楚。)
Right now we are pursuing an extraordinary cause. We will only succeed through perseverance. If we give up halfway we will get nowhere. Our blueprint is ambitious, our task is arduous.(我们正在从事的事业是伟大的,坚忍不拔才能胜利,半途而废必将一事无成。)
"Find good people and let them get on with it" is a good management principle everywhere, but nowhere more than in the pursuit of knowledge.(“找到合适的人才,让他们施展自己的才华”是一条放之四海而皆准的优秀管理原则,对于追求知识而言更是再适用不过。)
As things are very complicated today, we shall get nowhere if we just depend on a few regulations, decrees and measures; we must also act in the light of local conditions.(今天的问题复杂得很,仅靠几个章程、几个法令、几个办法办事是不行的,要因地制宜。)
Of course, three publications is nowhere near enough to get a professorship--even at a crappy school.(当然,三篇发表论文远不足以获得教职——哪怕是在一个烂学校。)
I think it's an interesting question because it and Hawking's answer get to the crux of why the entire debate between reason and faith gets nowhere fast.(“为什么我们会在这儿?”我认为这个问题十分有趣,因为这个问题和霍金对此的回答正是另外一个问题的症结所在:为什么在理性和信仰之间发生的全部争论中,谁也没能占到上风?)
But I do take this lesson from her: you may be the boss, but you'll get nowhere if you don't bring the men up with you.(但我从她这里得到了这个教训:即使你是老板,但如果你没有男人般的威严,那么你可能也会处于劣势。)
Not only will you know the score, but you'll find live fan reviews and outlooks that you'll get nowhere else.(你除了会知道得分,还会看到绝无仅有的现场观众的评论和见解。)
In the economy of a storm this big, there was nowhere to get rid of snow that didn’t encroach on someone else’s space, and some shovelfuls must have been tossed back and forth a few times.(如此之大的雪天,到处都是积雪,很容易侵占别人的地界,所以往往是一锨雪被来回抛掷。)
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