英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɡeɪdʒ]

美 [ɡedʒ]



形容词: gaugeable 过去式: gauged/gaged 过去分词: gauged/gaged 现在分词: gauging/gaging 第三人称单数: gauges/gages

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  • 厚度
  • 轨距,轮距
  • 直径,口径
  • 容量
  • 范围
  • 测量仪器,计量器
  • 估计方法
  • 标准
  • 规格,标准尺寸,标准规格
  • 规,表,计
  • 大小,程度
  • 【航海学】(船只对风或其他船只的)相对位置,船(对于风及其他船)的关系位置的估计
  • 【建筑】(铺于屋顶上的石板瓦、木瓦、瓦等的)露出部分,葺脚
  • 【印】规矩,测规
  • (木工用的)墨线戽
  • 估计,估价,估算,判断
  • 量,测,测出,测量,计量
  • 给…定规格,使成标准尺寸
  • 使合标准
  • 校准,调整,修正
  • 确定,测定,判定,精确计量
  • 凿或琢磨使其成预期的形状
  • 划分,区分;描绘轮廓
  • [C]厚度,直径 the thickness of wire or certain metal objects, or the width of the barrel of a gun
  • [C]测量仪表 instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth
  • [C]规格,尺度 a standard measure of weight, size, etc., to objects can be compared
  • vt. 计量,度量 measure by means of a gauge
  • vt. 估计,判断 make a judgment about


1. a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.

Synonym: gage

2. diameter of a tube or gun barrel

Synonym: borecalibercalibre

3. the thickness of wire

4. the distance between the rails of a railway or between the wheels of a train

5. accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared

Synonym: standard of measurement


1. mix in specific proportions

e.g. gauge plaster

2. adapt to a specified measurement

e.g. gauge the instruments

3. measure precisely and against a standard

e.g. the wire is gauged

4. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)

e.g. I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds

Synonym: estimateapproximateguessjudge

5. determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by measurement and calculation

e.g. gauge the wine barrels

6. rub to a uniform size

e.g. gauge bricks

1. (常指用某种仪器)测量,测定,算出
If you gauge the speed or strength of something, or if you gauge an amount, you measure or calculate it, often by using a device of some kind.


e.g. He gauged the wind at over thirty knots...
e.g. Distance is gauged by journey time rather than miles.

2. 测量仪器;计量仪
A gauge is a device that measures the amount or quantity of something and shows the amount measured.

e.g. ...temperature gauges.
e.g. ...pressure gauges.

3. 判断,判定(人的行动、情感或意图)
If you gauge people's actions, feelings, or intentions in a particular situation, you carefully consider and judge them.


e.g. ...as he gauged possible enemy moves and his own responses...
e.g. His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.

4. (评价或判断的)事实,依据,标准
A gauge of someone's feelings or a situation is a fact or event that can be used to judge them.


e.g. The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.

5. (铁道的)轨距
A gauge is the distance between the two rails on a railway line.

e.g. ...a narrow gauge railway.

6. (金属等的)厚度;(金属丝等的)直径
A gauge is the thickness of something, especially metal or wire.

1. gauge的近义词

1. 表:其中包括了仪表(Gauge)组件来设计灵活的具备独有的自定义外观的仪表盘 (dashboard)应用程序. 同样包含了Tools组件以协助基于使用Editor组件应用程序的开发.

2. 测量:生的次数 .测量 (GAUGE) 测量条目的当前值 .水线 (WATERMARK) 从监控来元素达到的最大或最小数值 .信息 (INFORMATION) 监控活动的参照类型细节 .时间点 (TIMESTAMP) 活动发生的日期时间 .时间 (TIME) 返回一个活动花费的时间 .对于多重分组,

3. gauge的解释

3. 计:用胸外人工按压的方法,使心脏被动收缩、舒张、维持病人的血液循环. (二)高级生命支持阶段(DEF) 不能间断心脏按压及肺通气,若属无法进行,则进行气管内插管. 1.病情估计(Gauge)包括心脏骤停原因及测定抢救的可能性.

4. 尺:工程师们可以将应用中的旋钮(Knob)、刻度盘(Dial)、标尺(Gauge)和图表(Graph)合并到一个单独、综合的界面,轻松地验证他们的仿真模型. 此外,他们还可以通过一系列测试参数执行多项仿真,对Simulink 模型进行验证.

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  • 经典引文

1. get the gauge of : 探测...的意向;


  • What gauge of wire should we use for this job?
  • The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.
  • What gauge of wire do you require?
  • Is a person's behavior under stress a reliable gauge of his character?
  • The device can gauge the speed.
  • A thermometer gauges the temperature.
  • It's difficult to gauge one's character.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • His intellect..was much above the low gauge which people used to assign to it.

    出自:A. W. Kinglake
  • He gauged yses depnesse of the dyche with a speare.

    出自:Ld Berners
  • I have gauged..the river..and obtained..the quantity of water in cubic feet per day.

    出自:John Phillips
  • The copper-tin alloy was not always accurately gauged.

    出自:P. Warner
  • Productivity is gaged by output per manhour.

    出自:Industry Week
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • gauge用作名词的基本意思是“厚度,宽度,直径”“轨距”,也可指“测量仪表,量规”,如雨量计、钢丝直径测量仪等,还可指“规格,尺度”,引申可表示用以估计或判断的标准或事实。
  • gauge在美式英语中又作gage。
  • ☆ 15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的gauge;最初源自古法国北方语的gauger,意为固定的测量标准。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It is difficult to gauge one's character.(评价一个人的品质是很难的。)
Commodity prices then are a pressure gauge.(大宗商品价格也因此成为衡量压力的标尺。)
But property losses are still hard to gauge.(但是所造成的财产损失仍是难以计算的。)
Gauge your progress, adapt, and keep going.(测量你的进度,调整,然后继续前进。)
The euro is almost 30% overvalued on the burger gauge.(以巨无霸指数衡量,欧元被高估30%。)
What gauge of wire do you require?(你需要什么规格的电线?)
This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left.(这油表显示还剩有多少燃料。)
TC1 is mounted directly on the pump inlet tee replacing the convectron gauge shown on the diagram.(TC1直接安装在泵进口三通上,取代图中所示的对流管压力表。)
We were able to gauge the strength of the wind from the movement of the trees.(我们可根据树的摇动估计风力。)
One way to gauge public opinion on the issue is to call a town meeting.(一个评估公众对于该问题的意见的办法是召集镇民大会。)
gauge是什么意思 gauge在线翻译 gauge什么意思 gauge的意思 gauge的翻译 gauge的解释 gauge的发音 gauge的同义词